Thermostat arrived today. Might have a go at that now in a few minutes. Shouldn't take more than 20 minutes, I reckon.
Now, back to the oil. Don't know why but I decided to test again for leaks overnight. I left it in a clean spot on the road, and moved it this morning, around 15 hours later, and there was a leak on the road, about the size of a flat peach! Is that big for 1 night?
And finally, the battery seems to be losing power now also. No signs that it is the alternator. If I change the battery, will I need the code for the radio to work again? Or if I remove my old battery and recharge it overnight, will I also need the radio code?
EDIT/UPDATE: Ok, so I just changed the thermostat. There was a larger deluge of coolant than I was ready for. I managed to catch about 50% of it. It is red coolant. Anyway, I had a litre of red coolant and I topped back up with that. I have checked for leaks and that seems to be fine(no leaks), but I ran the car for 45 minutes(30 mins sitting in my driveway and 15 mins driving) and the gauge on the dash hasn't moved up. It still remains at minimum. :/ Surely to God within 45 minutes it should be moving up to the middle(90) mark?