
Stivino, yeah we've done a bit of research and yes, I think that the price is probably about right, especially with all the 'extras' that are included. At £900 for a 1996 caravan we thought we'd found a bargain, £900 for a 1988 caravan just seems like we've founf a caravan... Other than a few cosmetic issues internally, to our untrained eyes it looks in fairly good shape...

To be honest, the situation is that we can't really afford it, its really going to push our budget to buy it so we're just worried that after pushing our limits to but it - something will crop up a month down the line because of how old it is, and either end up costing us a load more, or just being useless to us.

I guess we've got to weigh up whether its worth that risk? Just not sure how long caravans generally last - can we reasonably expect it to be still going when its 30years old, or do we expect to get a couple of years use out of it and then send it off to that caravan storage facililty in the sky?
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have you thought about buying a trailer tent?

these seem to go for quite keen prices on ebay.
my suggestion would be to go to your nearest 2 or 3 caravan dealers and see whats on offer and say you have the caravan and ask its value
you may even see the same van there
Well after a second look around, taking the brother-in-law with us this time, we've decided we're going to take a punt on the caravan and buy it. We figure that, with family selfcatering summer holidays costing around £400 and upwards, we've only got to go away for two or three weeks and its made its money. That and with the two gas bottles, a new battery, the awning, portaloo, aquaroll, radio, elec hook cables etc.. that he's including in the sale, it seems to be worth the money. The B-I-L reckongs the chasis is probably worth a couple of hundred quid in scrap value if the worst comes to the worst. If luck is on our side, and we do a bit of fixing here and there, it'll hopefully last us a fair few years at least.

So moving on to the next stage - can anyone advise what insurance policies we should take out? Presumably the caravan needs to be insured against fire and theft? And contents? Will our car insurance cover us for towing or do we need to check this and/or add it to our policy. I think i've been told that if your car has a tow bar, your policy covers you for towing, but I cannot recall who told me that or even if its something that I dreamt?
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Make yourself familiar with the Caravan Club, Andrew - they cater for all caravanners needs, and give loads of free advice, including news.
Check out the deals on continental travel too - on occasions they are unbeatable.
Enjoy your van!
John :)
All fallen through unfortunately. The guy advised us before we went to look at it that he had broken the rooflight when he brought it home - when we went to look at it the rooflight was missing completely. He said he's sort it before we bought so that wasn't a big issue. We went to him last night after looking at a price for a new rooflight and said we'd buy the caravan after he'd fixed the rooflight for the price he wanted, or if he knocked £50 off the price we'd buy it as it is and fix the rooflight ourselves. He said no he wanted the full asking price and he'd FIT the rooflight, but we'd have to go and get a new rooflight and pay for it ourselves. We told him to forget it. :(

So we're on the lookout for a cheap caravan now!!
I think that was the best course of action. Have a look on ebay, there should be plenty that you can compare and probably a good way of buying one, they only sell for what people are prepared to pay - their real value.

Cheers Peter, we have been looking on ebay and there are plenty on there - just worries me buying something like this having only seen the pictures that the seller has CHOSEN to take though. Do you know, if we go to pick a caravan we've bought on ebay and it turns out its got issues that weren't obvious from the photos and description, can we refuse to pay for it and just walk away? Or have we commited to buy by that stage?

We've seen one on there that looks really nice, but with 2 days to go, we fear the price will rise above our budget. :(
My experience of ebay as a seller and a buyer, is that if the seller says "good condition" and doesn't mention faults which you find out, you will be within your rights to just walk away. Your argument is that the seller was not truthful with the description. Apart from that all ebay can do, as I see it, is to leave you with bad feedback, so what, saves you paying for tat.

But I have bought loads via ebay, including mini tractor, digger, trailer, cars, TV, camera, musical instruments, collectors items and more.
If you pay via paypal, you will also have a little extra security/guarrantee/ help via ebay.

But the best time to buy caravans, of course is in the autumn or winter.
This is probably the worst time to buy.
That's quite correct, if the item is not 'as described' you can legally walk away. For this reason sellers will usually honestly describe what they are selling - and some actually are honest. I have bought hundreds of items from ebay including two cars and have not been dissapointed. If its not to far you can go and look at it before bidding, I have done this on several occaisions.

It could be an idea to get back in touch with the guy after a few days - after all, with you interested he doesn't need to advertise.
Unless of course he's huffed you.....!
John :)
Thanks guys, i've bought plenty of stuff of ebay in the past and never had an issue (in fact i received better service off one ebayer than i've ever had anywhere else!) but i've never bought anything off ebay for more than £250ish - for a caravan we seem to be looking at a min of £1000 and that kind of raises the stakes a little.

John - no, still friends with the guy down the road and if he tries to sell elsewhere and can't and comes back to us and offers some concession over the rooflight then we'll definately consider it, its easier for both of us, but he can't seem to see that. Only issue there would be that obviously the rooflight is missing at the moment and luckily its been dry for the last week or so, if it rains its going to let water into the caravan.....
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