Carrie Johnson 'struggling to breathe'...

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Yes my point being that this information is not widely available - is it.
Do you know who is most at risk, and therefore prioritised?

Did you know you can pay for it as an individual?

It isn't advised not to have it, it's just targeted at the appropriate people.

It's not a conspiracy theory
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I don’t wish anybody ill

I don’t like Boris Johnson, but I didn’t wish him ill when he got covid.

I might struggle with Trump though…..
So you do have someone on your 'collateral damage' list then :rolleyes:

And the point here is that there is a person of influence who praises the NHS for their care now after having deliberately flouted 'virus' rules before which would have apparently put NHS staff at risk according to the guidelines in place at the time should treatment had been needed...
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