
15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
ok, im rather bored this evening. Random question:

What's the largest amount of cash you've ever held in your hand or had on your person? And for what purpose?

I regularly have to count £4000 and carry it onto the shopfloor to the post office at our shop for banking :confused: I always feel somewhat vulnerable entering the public area with £4000 of someone else's money on me. Suppose i'd feel even worse if it was my money! :LOL:
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crafty1289 said:
What's the largest amount of cash you've ever held in your hand or had on your person? And for what purpose?
Just bought a Mini Cooper Sport 500 with £6500 cash today! I won't tell you where I've hidden the cash before I've handed it over :LOL:
i was once told that i can help my self to all the money in the vault, door open, i can wander in and out freeley, the only proviso was, i had to take ALL the money in one go, its the money from parking meters, there was thousands in there, but as it was all in coins they knew i would have to decline, but it was literally thousands.
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breezer said:
i was once told that i can help my self to all the money in the vault, door open, i can wander in and out freeley, the only proviso was, i had to take ALL the money in one go, its the money from parking meters, there was thousands in there, but as it was all in coins they knew i would have to decline, but it was literally thousands.

i would have taken it!
Twenty quid - The cash machine ran out of tens the other week.

Though potentially in future, my 25,000 Iraqi Dinar note, if the good people on eBay are to be believed
£20,000. I worked for a bank many years ago and we ran out of cash so 3 staff had to go to another branch in the city to borrow some. We were armed with a whistle and a truncheon and one had to stay with the car to look-out for suspicious characters while two went in for the money.
I used to regularly bank between £160,000 and £180,000 every week, in hard cash. One of my collegues was once mugged (with a small portion of that on his person). The company agreed to swallow the loss until he let the local papers know about it. He was silly enough to mention that the muggers could have got a lot more if they.... The company then back peddled on the deal and stopped his losses from his salary. (due to the danger he had put the rest of us at).

For the protection of others still in the trade, I won't tell you what I was doing.
£9K. But have written a cheque for £21K to pay off a mortgage. Lucky personage...... ;)
i just remeered, i have seen £1M in cash, i was one of the "few" who went to the milnium dome, there really was £1m in cash
breezer said:
i just remeered, i have seen £1M in cash, i was one of the "few" who went to the milnium dome, there really was £1m in cash
what a load of rubbish the millenium dome exhibition was i'm glad i didn't have to pay to see it otherise i would've felt hard done by.
breezer said:
i just remeered, i have seen £1M in cash, i was one of the "few" who went to the milnium dome, there really was £1m in cash

I saw that £1M too. I also tried my hand at the economics "game"... You have to enter a name for yourself, I assumed they would have a rude word filter so used the two filthiest swear-words I could think of (f and c). Of course, the dozy gets hadn't written such code into the game so flashing across enormous ticker displays all over the money section were those two words. It is a wonder I wasn't thrown out. :eek:

Most cash I have held in my hand... probably only £500. I've never had a need to walk around with masses of cash. Biggest single transaction was
when I paid £9000 for my car on my Switch card.

Also, according to my credit card company I spent £7000 in a bar in Johannesburg once (in two rounds!)... but as I was still in posession of the card I was not liable for a single penny of it.
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