The MAGA mob are mostly from rural America where jobs are scarce and money is tight, so his lyrics struck a chord with them. I've no doubt it'll serve as a rallying cry for them during the primaries this year but they weren't originally intended that way at all:I think it was seized upon by the MAGA moron right wing. I like the fella, seems quite humble.
In a video shared to his YouTube page a day before the song was released on YouTube, he describes living the life he sings about during the first verse. That helped lead to mental health issues and an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. In July 2023, he says promised God he'd get sober for help following his dreams. About 30 days later, he was trending to have the No. 1 country song in America.
The levels of poverty in some regions is Third World, and to keep them going the government has assistance programmes as we do in the UK. This is why they rail against the 'liberal' elite' and talk so much hate at the 'radical left', who are seen as nothing more than Godless deviant Communists.. Oxycontin and Fentanyl take a heavy toll of people from there, too, so throw in Big Pharma and you'll find little trust left for the government and corporate interests who've been stealing their land and taking their self-respect for generations.
The American Indians who were originally displaced have no sympathy with any of 'em.