It's OK, I don't mind walking you through it a bit further.
There might or might not be something wrong with your system - we just can't see it from here.
Have a look here
for the user manual for your programmer. They've 'facelifted' the programmer several times and the instructions are clear as mud but it might help. It's possible you've left it 'on' by accident?
When we're sure you're using it correctly we can start helping you find out what any fault might be.
What make and model of boiler do you have? and where is it located?
Does your hot water cylinder (tank) have foam on it or is it plain copper, possibly with some lagging added afterwards?
There might or might not be something wrong with your system - we just can't see it from here.
Have a look here
for the user manual for your programmer. They've 'facelifted' the programmer several times and the instructions are clear as mud but it might help. It's possible you've left it 'on' by accident?
When we're sure you're using it correctly we can start helping you find out what any fault might be.
What make and model of boiler do you have? and where is it located?
Does your hot water cylinder (tank) have foam on it or is it plain copper, possibly with some lagging added afterwards?