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Deleted member 294929

Hello Bod,
I’m Ellie Williams, I lost my 86-year-old Grandad after he had to wait for over 4 hours for an ambulance after being hit by a car. He was a loving and caring husband, Father, and Grandad who worked hard all his life, well into his 80s and was loved by so many people. He paid into the system all his life only to be let down by it at the time he needed it the most.

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Because of support from over 100,000 people who have signed my petition, we are able to highlight the sheer desolate state our NHS is in. No one should have to lose their life due to waiting for an ambulance, it’s 2022. Every day I drive past the local A&E department and there is always a backlog of ambulances waiting outside with patients waiting to be seen. The ambulances are being used as waiting rooms which then prevents them from being available to attend 999 calls to help people who so desperately require emergency help. Things so drastically need to change.

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My Grandad Ian was left lying in the middle of the road, in the dark and the pouring down rain after being hit by a car for over four hours. And that’s how he spent his final hours, begging to be helped up and only a 5-minute drive away from the hospital. This was so heartbreaking as we were not allowed to even attempt to move him as we were told that he could have had a broken hip. If this was the case, and he was moved, it could have caused internal bleeding and become life threatening for him.

The wait for the ambulance proved life threatening for my Grandad, not the fact he was knocked over by a car. We so drastically need things to change so we don’t lose any more loved ones through our NHS being so over stretched and underfunded. We need your help to finally get the people responsible for underfunding our NHS and get them to see that they have our loved ones blood on their hands.

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The more support we have, the more evidence we have that proves how many people other people have had to endure something similar themselves. No one deserves to have their lives taken away from them from waiting and begging for help.

Thank you,

Ellie Williams

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Hello Ellie

This is the only way I can reply to you and express how sorry that your Grandad and your family had to go through such an horrible experience.

I can't sign your petition, all be it I want too and support you.
I can't sign because I believe that the NHS is poorly run and has too many people to look after. There is enough staff , just not enough that are skilled or care enough for our families. However I never experienced bad ambulance crews.

There are a certain amount of desks and offices and space in wards and corridors for a certain amount of people to work safely. The money is there its just being used very badly.

My heart is with you.

Hello Ellie

This is the only way I can reply to you and express how sorry that your Grandad and your family had to go through such an horrible experience.

I can't sign your petition, all be it I want too and support you.
I can't sign because I believe that the NHS is poorly run and has too many people to look after. There is enough staff , just not enough that are skilled or care enough for our families. However I never experienced bad ambulance crews.

There are a certain amount of desks and offices and space in wards and corridors for a certain amount of people to work safely. The money is there its just being used very badly.

My heart is with you.

Ambulances arent able to offload people in hospital because there's no free beds. That's in part because we still haven't sorted out the mess with social care, and also because we've reduced the number of beds too far and simply don't have enough anymore.

As for NHS staff not caring? **** you, I thought you were better than that.
Ambulances arent able to offload people in hospital because there's no free beds. That's in part because we still haven't sorted out the mess with social care, and also because we've reduced the number of beds too far and simply don't have enough anymore.

As for NHS staff not caring? **** you, I thought you were better than that.

These last two years I've spent alot of time in hospital. Most of the nurses & staff from what ever direction have been caring if not all skilled. Some have been right shíters.
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SOMe are caring and careful and competent.
A large proportion are none of those, even doctors..

I've just had a consultant look at blood results and give my GP a bó11ócking, in doctor language.

Hosp doc said "don't you feel X Y and Z?" - yes, that's what I told the GP, who said it would probably get better.
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I got woken about 2am for an xray (I think)
Two porters come to to get me. 3 lifts the left hand one was the Covid lift.

The covid lift turns up. They roll me in. Isn't this the covid lift...... yes it was but that's all old hat now
Early January 2021. In mid Lock down old hat.

Stop next floor down two maintenance workers get in. Now there are five of us in one lift Early January 2021. In mid Lock down.

On the way up after Xray same lift one of the two porters decide to take their mask off and walk around the front of me for a chat with his mate..... I was too fůcked yo say anything.

Is Boris to blame for this?
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My mates wife went in for a hip replacement this morning at 6.05 am. Royal London. Was booked in to be first one today at 7.00am. Had to go there instead of Newham General because of complications. Couldn’t have a GA but had to have pain blocker’s. Sod that! Anyway, went down for surgery at…4.00pm. They were busy, busy, busy. Just came out and in recovery. All good. Phew!
Please don't get me wrong. There are plenty of lovely Nurses Doctors and general staff that are good at their job and are caring. It's these people that have to drag along the not so good.

Boris can not be held responsible for individuals that don't do their job as well as others, this upsets the apple cart as in any industry.
There are plenty of lovely Nurses Doctors and general staff that are good at their job and are caring. It's these people that have to drag along the not so good.
Can’t speak for doctors and I have mentioned this before and been shouted down by the usual suspects but Mrs Mottie works in the admin side of the NHS and in some teams/hospitals there are some very uncaring, lazy, useless individuals and some unbelievable bullying goes on, unchecked, by management because they are too weak. one of her colleagues left her department, went to another and was basically shunned by everyone because the chief bully took a dislike to her. They were frightened to speak to her and only did so when the bully was off sick or on holiday. When she complained to the manager, the manager said she could raise that issue with the bully but she feared that it might make things worse for her!
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services have been downgraded and centralised over the decades yet population inreases, and new fangled nonsense like adhd ,depression, gender nonsense, covid and piddling little ailments have taken centre stage.
Covid was the final nail in the coffin and luckily enough there’s no more money to chuck at abhorrently over funded business that is the nhs.
Sadly , just like any other public service . The nhs has gone from services offered to wages wasted. Everyone thinks they deserve their piece of the pie .
The sheer scale of what people , top to bottom, are earning is completely unrealistic and unsustainable. Thank goodness for covid and the recession and imminent looming depression, to make the ghastly materialism of the human race apparent. Only now will this generation realise the state of play and the holes they’ve dug themselves into with their overly inflated ego’s , wages and debts.
You’re welcome.
The nhs has gone from services offered to wages wasted. Everyone thinks they deserve their piece of the pie .
The sheer scale of what people , top to bottom, are earning is completely unrealistic and unsustainable

the NHS spend in management and administration is moderate compared to other health services

but hey you carry on posting uninformed opinion
I can't sign because I believe that the NHS is poorly run and has too many people to look after. There is enough staff , just not enough that are skilled or care enough for our families.
the problem is the Tory party siphon money out of the NHS budget into private healthcare contracts and into the pockets of Tory mates and Tory mps

Owen Paterson took a £500,000 bung for lobbying in behalf of Randox

thats why the NHS is failing: large scale corruption

add on the money wasted from PFIs -mostly Blairs period

and you can see why the NHS is knackered

if you want the NHS to be better, dont vote for thieving Tories
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