Not my logic at fault, your blinkers.
If I provide food I have to do something like farming. As a landlord I don't have to do anything.
I have a HMO, with an agent to maintain it, who also sets and chases the rents. The demand is ridiculous because of where it is. It clears me a profit above inflation and the value of the place is going up (though at the moment no hugely). You might say that's good business. The agent is squeezing all they can in rents - I get more as a result - and the occupiers are finding it expensive but they' seem to have little choice.
So I'm making money from people living in conditions which are nicely clean, secure and maintained, but not what I'd choose for myself. I'm doing no work at all.
I don't actually know what Marx would have said, but I think it would be better if the council owned it, and places like it. They don't seem to have money to buy things like that though.