Channelling wall for 32mm waste pipe

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I've chased my 32mm basin wastes in, one vertical and one horizontal about a metre each. As the walls have been tiled the pipes only needed to finish flush with the finished plaster so about 20mm into the (hard) brick - but it's a messy, time consuming job - angle grinder, chain drilling, hammer and chisel to only go the minimum depth needed.
I've uncovered various old chases for 22mm heating and water pipes in my house which are so deep I could put a 40mm waste in with a bit of cleaning up.
In terms of the structure, unless you do something ridiculous it's nothing compared to a window or door opening in a wall.

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In terms of the structure, unless you do something ridiculous it's nothing compared to a window or door opening in a wal
With a lintel you mean? Bit of a difference
All looks great until a leak develops

But that's the nature of everything.
It's all glued and under no pressure being waste.

It's a garden flat in North London, which means it's in the basement at the front and has a garden at the rear... 3 stories above it, all soil renewed under the concrete floor and there are rodding access points where they need to be, and all discretely disguised.

It's at as much risk of leaking as anything else but is so short to not be of any concern to me :)
The Land of Green Ginger contains what may be the world's smallest window, being a slit which was used by the gatekeeper of the George Hotel to look out for stagecoaches and customers.[

12 Feb 2014 - Fact 5. England's smallest window. The window, said to be England's smallest, can be found at the George Hotel, The Land of Green Ginger in Hull. The window is about 10" x 1" and is said to be the viewing port for the the boy to check out people before admitting them into the yard.
Thanks for all the responses.
@dilalio thats precisely what I aspire to achieve. Looks great!

Presumably based on this and the pictures posted by @cdbe, my suggestion of a small vertical chase for the waste pipe isn’t that far fetched after all?
Looking good (y) @dilalio

@Jupiter01, at the end of the day, it's your shout. The link to the BC doc mentions the 1/3 depth, that's as per standards.

In real life we all know that standards are sometimes overkill and each instance is different and needs an educated onsite call. If you feel you are not compromising anything cutting into it, then no reason not to.

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