Chasing cables past wooden corner beads

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I thought everyone was meant to use different usernames and passwords on different sites for security purposes? I don’t think it’s a crime for a person to be a member of different websites under different aliases, I’d say that was sensible and pretty normal.

Life is too short and valuable to waste on virtual disagreements and differences of opinion and especially at the moment in my humble opinion.

Night guys
I thought everyone was meant to use different usernames and passwords on different sites for security purposes?
That obviously 'depends', not the least on what you mean by 'security purposes' - there are a good few sites/groups where I participate as myself (real name), so it obviously cannot vary.
I don’t think it’s a crime for a person to be a member of different websites under different aliases, I’d say that was sensible and pretty normal.
Definitely not a crime :) What is arguably a bit childish is to appear in another forum using a very close approximation to ('impersonation of') the highly-recognisable user name of someone once did constant battle with in another forum until one eventually was instrumental in driving him away!
Life is too short and valuable to waste on virtual disagreements and differences of opinion and especially at the moment in my humble opinion.
Definitely - but I suspect that you have not been around here for long enough to fully understand the dynamics of this particular forum and hence the background to some of the comments you have recently seen.

Kind Regards, John
Opened a can of worms here didn’t I?! Haha. I just wanted to cast the net as wide as possible to try and obtain as much information as I could, luckily there’s kind and helpful people all over the internet and for that I’m very thankful.
Opened a can of worms here didn’t I?! Haha. I just wanted to cast the net as wide as possible to try and obtain as much information as I could, luckily there’s kind and helpful people all over the internet and for that I’m very thankful.

You also gave us the best laugh we’ve had in a long time with your wife wanting to run through the chimney breast wall typo. I actually cried tears of laughter! So well done you.
That obviously 'depends', not the least on what you mean by 'security purposes' - there are a good few sites/groups where I participate as myself (real name), so it obviously cannot vary.
Definitely not a crime :) What is arguably a bit childish is to appear in another forum using a very close approximation to ('impersonation of') the highly-recognisable user name of someone once did constant battle with in another forum until one eventually was instrumental in driving him away!
Definitely - but I suspect that you have not been around here for long enough to fully understand the dynamics of this particular forum and hence the background to some of the comments you have recently seen.

Kind Regards, John

I don’t know all the ins and outs no. I don’t think I need to really, but I’ve been on enough forums in my time to see countless virtual fisty-cuffs break out between people who’ve never even met in person. Pointless in my opinion but a hazard of virtual social gatherings. To be honest, when I’ve seen it happen before on other forums I just leave the forum for good. I can’t be bothered with it. Like I said, life is too short and right now as we live in the time of a pandemic, it puts it into focus more than ever.
I don’t know all the ins and outs no. I don’t think I need to really, but I’ve been on enough forums in my time to see countless virtual fisty-cuffs break out between people who’ve never even met in person. Pointless in my opinion but a hazard of virtual social gatherings. To be honest, when I’ve seen it happen before on other forums I just leave the forum for good. I can’t be bothered with it. Like I said, life is too short and right now as we live in the time of a pandemic, it puts it into focus more than ever.
I understand your intent and reasons but on a forum like this where we are trying to help people through a potentially harmful/lethal minefield, I for one like to think the forum should be defended from the flack and I so totally admire the patience of the amazing pro responders and particularly the mods.
I understand your intent and reasons but on a forum like this where we are trying to help people through a potentially harmful/lethal minefield, I for one like to think the forum should be defended from the flack and I so totally admire the patience of the amazing pro responders and particularly the mods.

I understand. Shall we move to just ignoring any content that ruffles feathers and focus on helping people with queries and keep the peace? There are always going to be differences of opinion between people but should that result in unpleasantness for all? Personally, I think not. That’s all I’ve got to say on it. It’s a beautiful sunny October day out there today where I am and I for one am going to make the best of it. Best wishes to all.
It's very hard to ignore blatently wrong information/advice when it's put forward in a forceful way.
Goodness me. I really don’t want this! I just wanted to stop the discord between folks.

As I understand it, it is viable to run a cable around the chimney breast and have a TV hung on the breast wall and a functioning fire below it as long as certain precautions are taken with the beads, the cable and either a fireplace mount or mantel to deflect heat away.

As I understand it, some people are comfortable with doing this and some aren’t. I personally wouldn’t be comfortable doing it in my own home but that’s not to say that others shouldn’t if they feel confident.

This particular thread is about a difference of opinion with regards to it currently, unless someone steps up and points out regulations that state something to the contrary. If said person does this then surely we need to take heed of those regulations?

So as I understand it, the current discussion is around difference of opinion and confidence and not necessarily black & white building regulations?

I really am going now or else i’ll miss out on the sunshine today. Winter is around the corner so going to catch the rays whilst I can : )
I don’t know all the ins and outs no. I don’t think I need to really, but I’ve been on enough forums in my time to see countless virtual fisty-cuffs break out between people who’ve never even met in person. Pointless in my opinion but a hazard of virtual social gatherings.
Same here. I've been involved in 'virtual discussions' since long before the Internet was born (dial-in BBSs and CompuServe Forums etc.), for nearly 40 years (and, over the years, have been involved in the management of many of them), and the issue has (I suppose not surprisingly) existed from the start.

Mind you, 'virtual' interactions did not invent such phenomena. The potential anonymity and physical distancing greatly exacerbated the situation (people felt more able to be verbally aggressive when anonymous and 'not within striking range'), but it had always been going on whenever/wherever social interaction occurred (e.g. in pubs/bars etc.) - and in those cases did (and still does) sometimes even 'come to (physical) blows'.
To be honest, when I’ve seen it happen before on other forums I just leave the forum for good. I can’t be bothered with it.
There's always that temptation and, in extreme cases, I've done the same - but the issue is so ubiquitous that if one took that approach with every forum/group in which there were even fairly minor issues (like in this thread), one would not remain in any of them! Many/most forums, including this one, have a facility for 'ignoring' (i.e. not seeing) pots from specific participants, and that is a half-way house.
Like I said, life is too short and right now as we live in the time of a pandemic, it puts it into focus more than ever.
As I said before, I agree in principle, but I think one has to keep things in perspective - and, as far as the 'present time' is concerned, I think that one has to accept that the many problems, frustrations and fears caused by the pandemic are probably making a good few people a lot more 'touchy', and potentially 'aggressive' than they would otherwise be - in all of life, not just virtual discussions.

As I've said, above all I think this needs to be kept in perspective. As I'm sure you must realise, the comments in this thread which caused you to comment were essentially very 'tame', not much more than the banter and 'teasing' one sees in any situation of social interactions - such that one would have to say that anyone who thought that this was a major issue simply "hadn't lived" (in terms of exposure to virtual interactions), since the real problems one sees are far far worse than anything in this thread (and, in fact, far far worse than anything you will ever see in this forum). For what it's worth, I would say that, compared with many of the virtual forums/groups with which I am involved, this one (at least by my perception) is amongst the 'most pleasant' to participate in.

Try to keep safe.

Kind Regards, John

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