That "table" is interesting but it is a pity that it does not give the opportunity to correlate by Population at all levels, although all columns can be sorted.Take a look at the table on this page
and sort it by the last column (tot cases 1m pop)
Then have a look at the Schengen area
Great idea this free movement!
On this basis, the total cases per head of population in Italy, Iran and South Korea are much worse than in China, but China has attempted to contain the problem to one section of a very large country.
The death rates in those countries may be higher than in China but, I have not done the calculations.
If you look at Deaths versus Cases, all other countries seem to be doing better than China, Italy and Iran.
Why is it that the health system in Italy seems to be such an "Outlier"?
(I cannot find the "Peoples Republic of Korea" in this list.
I wonder why!)