City firms prepare to shift £800bn out of UK as Brexit looms

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"Steal: to take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it."

Companies are voluntarily moving assets out of the UK...

If you on the other hand think EU countries are 'stealing' these assets, then you must report this 'crime' and get it stopped...

Every day in every way you are making yourself look more and more stupid, notchy...

But do keep it up - it's a moral booster! (y)
Good to hear,,,god knows you need cheering up !
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You don't really need analogies with Brexit, soon Brexit will be the analogy.
Against which all 'cock ups' will be measured!

Something like the richter scale, but with Brexit set as a 10!
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"After many years in prison Nelson Mandela achieved that sense of Brexit as he was released"
And promptly got money from Gaddafi to try and defend his wife against kidnapping/assault for which she was found guilty...

So your point is?
Steal: to take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it."

Yup, thats exactly what the EU are planning to do

Theyve been doing it for years.

Leapards and keep up theres a good chap (y)
Two things we have to remember about fanatical Brexer Reagan Carter. Prior to the referendum he was convinced that Leave would win by an overwhelming majority. And he still believes that Brexit will be a great success and the NHS will gain £350m a week.
Hard brexit will almost definitely lead to the property market crash that so many estate agents are predicting.

This was suggested before the referendum and my first thought was, great.
It will be welcomed by the many young people who currently see no prospect of owning a home.

Not such good news for the BTL landlords who were hoping to live out their retirement in comfort thanks to those same young people.
It will be welcomed by the many young people who currently see no prospect of owning a home.

Not such good news for the BTL landlords who were hoping to live out their retirement in comfort thanks to those same young people.

First time I agree with something you've said I think.
what was your point?
'Freedom' based on lies and dodgy deals ain't exactly all it's cracked up to be ;)

Gaddafi money, Putin Money...

Dumb Quitters of course don't understand who their puppet masters are, or what they want :rolleyes:
Although Europe want to steal the UK financial services they havent made much preparations to do so.

Rubbish, of course they want to steal financial services

Come off it Notch - it's not stealing and you know it.

Also, watch out because on the stroke of midnight on 31 Dec 1999, the power will be going off, the phone system will crash, your PC will be obsolete, planes will be dropping out of the sky....... Wait! Oh, ignore that, it’s okay, that didn’t happen either.

One was a technical issue the other is a regulatory / legal issue but what are minor details like that?

I worked on the Y2K issue at a bank and we had backup locations and offsite servers and generators all fuelled up to go.
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