I have had my system power flushed as I was advised by BG engineer, which hasn’t solved the problem I’m having.
The issue is cold radiators downstairs, the boiler keeps stopping due to over heating apparently, so it spends more time off than it does on.
Typically only runs for about a minute or two at a time.
I’m getting a “reasonable” amount of heat to the upstairs radiators but nothing like before summer, when all seemed ok.
The pump was replaced also, as I believe that could cause lack of heating downstairs, but don’t think that was the issue.
The hot water heats up but takes a long time to do so.
This is a gravity fed system with tanks in the loft, hot water cylinder etc. and a Potterton Suprima 40 boiler (about 27 years old) but no vent.
During the power flush some heat was getting to downstairs rads, so have also been recommended to go with a combi boiler as it will move water around better.
It’s 10mm pipe work to all the rads.
Meantime, he suggested dropping in a cleanser and leaving it in for a few weeks while I’m away working, then flush through for a few hours.
Only thing is he suggested Sentinel 800 which I believe shouldn’t be left in for that long?
Anything I can use to leave it in a few weeks?
Anything I can try in case of an air lock?
The issue is cold radiators downstairs, the boiler keeps stopping due to over heating apparently, so it spends more time off than it does on.
Typically only runs for about a minute or two at a time.
I’m getting a “reasonable” amount of heat to the upstairs radiators but nothing like before summer, when all seemed ok.
The pump was replaced also, as I believe that could cause lack of heating downstairs, but don’t think that was the issue.
The hot water heats up but takes a long time to do so.
This is a gravity fed system with tanks in the loft, hot water cylinder etc. and a Potterton Suprima 40 boiler (about 27 years old) but no vent.
During the power flush some heat was getting to downstairs rads, so have also been recommended to go with a combi boiler as it will move water around better.
It’s 10mm pipe work to all the rads.
Meantime, he suggested dropping in a cleanser and leaving it in for a few weeks while I’m away working, then flush through for a few hours.
Only thing is he suggested Sentinel 800 which I believe shouldn’t be left in for that long?
Anything I can use to leave it in a few weeks?
Anything I can try in case of an air lock?