Ha Ha Ha. Now we know yer bonkers. Though there is enough hot air from the Woody and Freddy Show to melt the Arctic icecaps - maybe you can explain it like that?
You seem to talk about them as some amorphous blob.
Many predictions have been wrong and unproven, some have been correct.
Nobody clued up deny's CO2 affects the atmosphere, but many "experts" as you call them, make varying claims as to how much. Varying from warming being logarithmic and only a few degrees, to warming being exponential and magnified by positive feedback effects, the latter being the worrying scenario, and also the most likely to be wrong.
They couldn't explain the cold winters a few years ago, and then came up with this as an explanation, their "prediction" was that it would happen again for a few years.
And then of course it's only a theory with plenty of people pointing out it's a bit flawed (like the north pole temps are colder now than 3 years ago).