Climate: The Movie

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read up on the subject long since, I studied the evidence and dismissed it and moved on. Why should I dwell on a none issue,

I have already considered it, and regularly reconsider my view point, nothing comes close to changing it.
Make your mind up, or don't. :LOL:

But you are happy that , for example, the entire university of Cambridge physics department think you're wrong, but you are in fact right?
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I think some of them will be in the lab this week, testing the Thames water after the Boat Race - that's a man-made disaster if ever there was one...
I think some of them will be in the lab this week, testing the Thames water after the Boat Race - that's a man-made disaster if ever there was one...
Chemistry, medical pr biology departments for that, but I think they agree as well.
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But you are happy that , for example, the entire university of Cambridge physics department think you're wrong, but you are in fact right?

Consider - would any of them dare to express an alternative opinion, and put their jobs in peril?
Consider - would any of them dare to express an alternative opinion, and put their jobs in peril?
Yes. Tenured professors are nearly impossible to fire.

And anyone who wants funding for contrarian research would, and have, find plenty of support from various skeptical organisations.

Plus if you can demonstrate that you're right and everyone else is wrong you're going down in history. There's a huge payout for being contrary in science, if you can back it up.

So, you don't think the entire Cambridge physics department does disagree with you, you think they're being scared into silence. That makes some sense, paranoid sense but some sense at least.

Is the Oxford university physics department also scared?
Consider - would any of them dare to express an alternative opinion, and put their jobs in peril?
The very nature of science encourages new and different theories.

They then get investigated to support, or deny the claims.

It's a little overwhelming regarding this subject. They can't all be wrong.

I'm confused how you don't agree with it, but still do "the right thing". Why do you think "it's right" ?
So sea levels rose over 400 feet before the industrial revolution. Why was that
Warming after the last ice age melted glaciers and ice caps, it happened over 20,000 years.
Taylor Swift is getting flak for knocking out the same vinyl album multiple times, albeit with differing artwork sleeves, to her gullible "Swifties".
Taylor Swift has just joined the Forbes List of billionaires.

There's plenty of money to be made out of being wasteful, as well as plenty out of being considerate.
Warming after the last ice age melted glaciers and ice caps, it happened over 20,000 years.
yep so what caused the cooling and then the warming to create the 5 major ice ages . Certainly not human activity.
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