Climate: The Movie

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I have not watched the movie and won’t be
And don’t need to to know
A lot of this climate / green caper is over exaggerated and that we are all being scammed in one way or another and being lied to about consequences of net zero
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I have not watched the movie and won’t be
And don’t need to to know
A lot of this climate / green caper is over exaggerated and that we are all being scammed in one way or another and being lied to about consequences of net zero
It really isn't, but sure, you and Harry can live in ignorance
I have not watched the movie and won’t be
And don’t need to to know
A lot of this climate / green caper is over exaggerated and that we are all being scammed in one way or another and being lied to about consequences of net zero
Says Transam whose career relies on fossil fuels
You know the reason why we had massive coal and oil fields in the UK .

Formed 250 million years ago.
Over millions of years.
Will be gone in a few centuries.

You'd have to be an idiot to think something so asymmetric would happen without major consequences.
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so the 200 years cooling period back then has been followed by a 200 year warming period
What, like scientific research told you? But you are opposed to that are you not?
I have never denied climate change, changing has what it has always done, day to day, year-on-year, decade on decade - if you have been around long enough to notice, what I do not accept is that change is man made, or that we can do anything to stop it.
The isotopes in the CO2 in the atmosphere show you are wrong. The proportion of isotopes shows us that they largely come from fossil fuels, which means its down to mankind.

Before the Paris agreement, we were looking at 4C increase, which would have been.... disastarous. I mean really bad.

Now we are looking at 2.7C warming average increase (with an error bar (+2.2 or 3.7C)) thanks to all those COP conferences.

Its good, but its not enough. We need to do far more if we want to achieve under 2C warming. 1.5C would better, but unrealistic at this point.

Make no mistake, this is not just the green movement, this is industry saying this as well, I've been to conferences with industrial reps, all agreeing that we need to cut carbon emissions. Exxon knew about the consequencies, and lied about it. BP tried to blame consumers.

There are changes we can make that actually will save society money, such as building cycling infrastructure, and insulating buildings more (the latter may require carbon taxes of course, to address Jevons Paradox). But they have economic benefits. They don't cost us in the long run, they will pay for themselves.

When you account for the impact of fossil fuels, and account of the externalities, stopping using petrol/diesel cars make far more sense in terms of money. Unless you want to live a subsidised life, like those living off benefits.
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Through out human history man has thrived when the climate is warmer. Crops grow better, and insects are more abundant to pollinate them.
Deserts will expand, that is happening now. How far depends on the actions we take.
Climate alarmists never mention the flip side of a warming climate, there will be other areas that are currently to cold to produce food which will be then be avalible for food production.
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