Climate: The Movie

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Rain forests being dug up in Indonesia to supply nickel

Cobalt mined in the Congo by children ?

All needed in great quantities in order to save the planet
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Rain forests being dug up in Indonesia to supply nickel

Cobalt mined in the Congo by children ?

All needed in great quantities in order to save the planet
Needed in comparatively tiny quantities to save the planet and money.

Everything on an industrial scale will impact the environment, compared to coal or oil extraction it's a rounding error.

Plus newer chemistries don't use cobalt or nickel.
... among others and without any plan for what to replace them with, yes. But Thatcher is way off topic.

Bit like port talbot than just on a smaller scale

At the moment !!!!!!

The UK like most countries don’t have a plan to deal with the massive fall out from this green caper
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The UK like most countries don’t have a plan to deal with the massive fall out from this green caper

Yes we do - but too many people pi$$ n whine about the costs of doing so.
Labour made a big mistake in announcing the withdrawal of their Green policy before the election.
The UK like most countries don’t have a plan to deal with the massive fall out from this green caper
most countries dont have a plan to deal with the massive fall out from climate change
Hopefully all you climate worriers are now Vegan after all look at the damage all that livestock is causing
Poor gas is getting angry

Gas knows recent climate change is man made and it’s a problem……but is desperately trying to avoid reality.
Labour made a big mistake in announcing the withdrawal of their Green policy before the election
Labour haven’t withdrawn their green policy

Their green policy amounts to around £10b a year, so some weird reason they stated £28 billion, which covers their policies + headroom for additional funds to,come on stream as they come up.

All Labour have done is said they can’t commit to the additional amount…..because they want to close down a Tory attack line
She held a PhD in chemistry I believe. She did a huge amount of economic damage to the country but she wasn't an idiot and unlike nearly all politicians she was a trained scientist.
I wonder if there’s a correlation between education level and support for climate change……
This is where you don't get it. There isn't a balanced debate to have on it.

The two view points are not equal and treating them like they are is misleading and gives you a false impression of the 'debate'. What you're looking for is the 1980s, when there was still some room to debate the gross causes and effects, we're past that now. We know man made global warming is transforming the planet, now we're trying to find out the fine details like will the Gulf stream stop (spoiler: yes, possibly within my lifetime and then the UK is stuffed, like properly screwed. Liz truss as PM for life screwed).

You might as well ask for a balanced debate on if homeopathic medicine works. Or a balanced debate on the health risks of smoking.

You want there to be support for your view points, but it's small and gets smaller the more someone knows about the subject.

The fact that you think there are only two points of view, like a political argument about abortion, demonstrates that you do not understand how science works.

Hint: this allows any answer to be the right one providing it is rigorously tested and proven. The answers when it comes to climate change might involve phenomena that haven't even been considered because we don't understand them.

You are putting far too much faith in what you're being told by the television, which I gather you watch rather a lot of. Sorry, but I posted a reasonable and balanced film featuring highly acclaimed physicists - you respond with some whacky argument involving the "science guy"?

Do you even know the names of any of the scientists whose work you are crediting? Got any links to their work? Or are you relying on tenth hand information passed on by TV personalities and just assuming the real work behind it is rigorous? That is faith, not thinking.
The fact that you think there are only two points of view, like a political argument about abortion, demonstrates that you do not understand how science works.

Hint: this allows any answer to be the right one providing it is rigorously tested and proven. The answers when it comes to climate change might involve phenomena that haven't even been considered because we don't understand them.

You are putting far too much faith in what you're being told by the television, which I gather you watch rather a lot of. Sorry, but I posted a reasonable and balanced film featuring highly acclaimed physicists - you respond with some whacky argument involving the "science guy"?

Do you even know the names of any of the scientists whose work you are crediting? Got any links to their work? Or are you relying on tenth hand information passed on by TV personalities and just assuming the real work behind it is rigorous? That is faith, not thinking.

You watched a film about climate change, you’ve made zero effort to

1) to check the source or funding

2) you made effort to actually check any of the claims made in the film which contains dozens of myths and falsehoods.

Instead of attacking other people, please go back and research your own claims
What about Nobel Laureates who actually work in the field of climate change?

They don’t count because they don’t support Bertys bias.

This is the same Berty that says he wants an open debate…..but clearly does not
The fact that you think there are only two points of view, like a political argument about abortion, demonstrates that you do not understand how science works.

Hint: this allows any answer to be the right one providing it is rigorously tested and proven. The answers when it comes to climate change might involve phenomena that haven't even been considered because we don't understand them.

You are putting far too much faith in what you're being told by the television, which I gather you watch rather a lot of. Sorry, but I posted a reasonable and balanced film featuring highly acclaimed physicists - you respond with some whacky argument involving the "science guy"?
False balance.
"Balanced reporting is generally considered good journalism, and balance does have its virtues. The public should be able to get information on all sides of an issue — but that doesn’t mean that all sides of the issue deserve equal weight. Science works by carefully examining the evidence supporting different hypotheses and building on those that have the most support. Journalism and policies that falsely grant all viewpoints the same scientific legitimacy effectively undo one of the main aims of science: to weigh the evidence."

And later in the link:
"And this false balance is not unusual. A survey of articles in topnotch U.S. newspapers published between 1988 and 2002, found that 52.6% of those that dealt with global warming balanced the human contribution to global warming with a skeptical viewpoint. Meanwhile, the scientific evidence for the human contribution to global warming became ever more convincing. A survey of 928 scientific journal articles published between 1993 and 2003 found that none of them disagreed with the idea that human activities are causing global warming! "

But let me repeat a link posted by someone else in this thread, this has all the arguments made by climate sceptics, and debunks them complete with links to evidence:
but I posted a reasonable and balanced film featuring highly acclaimed physicists
"climate the movie"

is neither reasonable nor balanced

featuring highly acclaimed physicists
are they?

here is a flow chart to help you better understand how "climate the movie" creates a false narrative

one of your go to arguments is the bulk fake experts fallacy:

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