Look, Notch, I'm more than happy to accept that you know more than me about the subject of climate change and the influence man has on it. I'd therefore like to invite you again to help myself and others to learn from your background and knowledge in this field. And since your perspective argues that we need to radically change course as a society, I think it is fair to say that the onus is on you to explain why.
Please provide links to peer reviewed research papers by suitably qualified scientists where they categorically conclude that climate change is,
via CO2 emissions, definitely caused by human activity and that human activity is definitely a significant contributor. Requirements:
- must be from serious scientific journals, not YouTube, science magazines, newspapers, blogs or televsision.
- must be work published by people with advanced degrees in the natural sciences and professorships in scientific disciplines. Extra marks if these are in physics.
- must express the same level of certainty that you are yourself claiming. Words like "might", "may", "could", "possibly" and "probably" shouldn't be featuring if this is a settled matter.
- the IPCC Reports to Policy Makers don't count
because they are inaccurate brochures for dummies like Sunak and Starmer, although you may use the scientific reports that precede these.
This will be easy for you to do Notch as you have more expertise on that than ignorant people like me.