Club UK

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
In my opinion (and it's only an opinion) the UK is (or should be) looked upon as a club.

It is a club that benefits it's members (UK residents).

Those benefits include the right to work, health, education, protection etc.

For someone from another land to arrive in the UK seeking residency then they should have to 'pay their dues'. If someone comes from Hong Kong then they may have a load of dosh and are welcomed in.

Other who arrive should have to earn their right to remain by working on a permit for 10 years until they've paid their way.

However, there are huge numbers of gatecrashers who are
no use to our society and these people should be removed from the country as soon as possible.

That's my view.

If it's a 'racist' view - please show me where.

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I agree that any country should look after it's own people first. When you say that people immigrating from abroad must either have loads of cash or have a 10 year permit - that's how it works for immigration. Except it's a 5 year visa (hard to get one). Asylum seeking is different - you just pitch and claim it - no visa and no cash.
Plus, how many 'natural born' UK residents DON'T pay their due???? but do get 'their benefits'?
(and every country has them)
WoodYouLike said:
Plus, how many 'natural born' UK residents DON'T pay their due???? but do get 'their benefits'?
(and every country has them)

That's a different subject for a different day. The point is that we shouldn't allow gatecrashers in. We don't need more problems. We don't need people that can't (or won't ) work.

If I lived in Latvia and needed a triple bypass operation - why should Club UK pay for it?

If you don't pay in - then you don't take out.

Try taking money out of a bank that you don't belong to.

Try getting breakdown cover for the AA when you aren't a member.

It's just common sense.

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WoodYouLike said:
You make it a too black and white subject again, I'm out.

It IS a black and white issue. That's where the hand-wringing starts.

Decisions have to be made.

As long as the 'I'm out' mentality remains the problem will get bigger and bigger until it errupts into violence.

The problem isn't going away and putting your head in the sand isn't going to help.

joe (not out)
no joe is telling you like it is

we dont want to hear any sad story of persecution or any other storys on the hardship of refugees

if they where people in real danger they would stay at the first safe country but they insist on the uk as we are a soft touch

so best close the door to them all we are full and if the truth was know we are overflowing with the scum of other nationalities and races

:D racist :D