Columbia back down

with Columbia taking back their scum criminals worked
Gas112 still hasn’t provided any evidence they were actually “scum criminals”, or “hardened criminals” or “rapists, murderers, drug gang leaders”.

Gas112 believed the MAGA lie and now he has scuttled away and gone quiet.
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Gas112 still hasn’t provided any evidence they were actually “scum criminals”, or “hardened criminals” or “rapists, murderers, drug gang leaders”.

Gas112 believed the MAGA lie and now he has scuttled away and gone quiet.
It's his typical mo.

The other 1 of course is that he repeatedly claims he doesn't support Trump.

This thread shows otterwise
The latest announcement from Trump is to use Guantanamo Bay for some migrants. There are very few details at the moment, but it did sound like he was planning to detain some of them indefinitely without trial rather than deporting them. That sounds like a legal quagmire.

This seems to be the quote:

“We have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo to detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people. Some of them are so bad we don’t even trust the countries to hold them, because we don’t want them coming back,”

Indefinite detention without trial surely can't be legal. These aren't "enemy combatants". I don't think this has ever been done before for illegal immigrants in any democracy.

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