This is one weird thread.
I like the concept of the Intergas but with such a large block of ali that doesn't need a pump overrun to dissipate heat after hot water demand how can hot water demand be met instantaneously, the heat up time is slower I'd have thought. Has anyone ever compared it to a plate hx?
Which combis dump heat into the CH circuit after hot water is satisfied? I think the old Swiftflow might have but do others? Ours do not, the integral bypass is there for that.
There are two particular problems with the IG but they do have a facility to mitigate it.
As you suggest the big ali block does have a significant heat up time from cold , perhaps at least a minute.
But they have an intelligent preheat which keeps it preheated at the same times as it was previously giving DHW the day before. Using that, as I always suggest customers do, the DHW delivery is then instantaneous!
All older boilers with permanent pilot lights and fans do run the fans at low speed. This sucks in air and required an at least annual cleaning of the fan blades.
Older boilers with a water activated diverter valve will dissipate heat to the CH during pump over run. Those that are temperature activated will only need to over run for 10-20 seconds but the poor hysteresis in the thermal stats often used will make that more like two minutes in most cases, even when the CH is cold.