Come on in we need you !

How much longer are we going to carry on being blah blah blah
How long are you Muppets going to continue to believe everything you read in that trash? I feel sorry for you.

Believe what you like, you have to make your own mind up, the OP and his kind will continue to read the trash and be satisfied it is reported from reliable sources and continue to belittle this country because he is of that mindset. f**k off somewhere else if you don't like this country and good riddance.

Until recently I was not a regular reader of DIYnot. However, I am now beginning to realise that there are good, mature people on here with whom I am very happy to conduct a discussion. On the other hand, there are also some others who appear to be immature and argumentative, and demonstrate little substance in their points of view and need to resort to the equivalent of name-calling.

May I ask, Freddymercurystwin, that you make an attempt at moving towards the beginnings of politeness, at least when dealing with me?

Please don't bother to reply to this, unless you wish to apologise, as I have no intention of arguing this matter with you.
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When the floodgates were opened to the EU I remember clearly that the Whitehall mandarins estimates for people coming from the eu to work here
would be in the region of 18,000.............

At the time only three countries signed up to this totally unrestrained labour movement Ireland, the UK and I think it was Denmark.............

A lot of the other member states didn't sign up because they stated they believed it would lead to social instability.

As a country with one of the highest densities of population in Europe
to be unconcerned about further mass migration is crass stupidity.

Its not racist or bigoted to be concerned about how the country is changing because of the unprecedented number of immigrants arriving here. Gordon Brown obviously views it as being Bigoted ! What a great Prime minister he was and as the chancellor what was he did with the gold reserves.........ah yes.........sold them .......
You're wasting your time mate fmt lives in another world and knows fook all about this one ;)

Thanks. Yes, I realise that now. I don't believe in pressing the 'ignore' button as it is sometimes difficult to follow the thread of a conversation with bits missing. However, I am quite capable of ignoring children (until retirement I was a teacher!) and shall do so with this little individual from now on. I think these infantile types get a buzz out of winding people up until they feel they have to respond. I hope he doesn't think I'm being rude in failing to reply to any more of his weak attempts!
Freddie Mercury wasn't British - which means his twin isn't either. He's a second generation migrant.
When the floodgates were opened to the EU I remember clearly that the Whitehall mandarins estimates for people coming from the eu to work here
would be in the region of 18,000.............

At the time only three countries signed up to this totally unrestrained labour movement Ireland, the UK and I think it was Denmark.............

A lot of the other member states didn't sign up because they stated they believed it would lead to social instability.

As a country with one of the highest densities of population in Europe
to be unconcerned about further mass migration is crass stupidity.

Its not racist or bigoted to be concerned about how the country is changing because of the unprecedented number of immigrants arriving here. Gordon Brown obviously views it as being Bigoted ! What a great Prime minister he was and as the chancellor what was he did with the gold reserves.........ah yes.........sold them .......

I hadn't realised that. I thought we were the only ones naive enough to think it would be a good idea.

No, it most certainly is not racist or bigoted to want the best for your own country. It seems that these days it is quite common to be accused of racism or bigotry by some people if they disagree with your views!
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