computer disconnects from internet after not in use

3 Sep 2023
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United States
My computer disconnects from the internet and needs to be restarted after it is idle for a while in order to reconnect to the internet. My computer shows it is still connected but when I try to get online, I get an error prompt that says I am not connected to the internet. I have looked to see if I have a timed out setting somewhere when the computer is idle for a while, but I don't see anything indicating that. I have tried resetting the modem, have run virus scans etc. obviously there is an issue as the computer shows I am connected but I am not sure where to look to solve this. When the computer was new there was no issues like this. Any suggestion?
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I assume you have 'connect automatically' selected?
Are you connecting via cable or WiFi? If the latter, is it via a booster or direct to the router?
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not sure iff uk systems and American systems are different?? Hopefully others have more ideas and can give useful comment on this uk based site(y)
Is your network card set to go to sleep?


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