Latest update on my Easter holiday project. I've disconnected the cistern again. No amount of tightening of bolts or wiggling about was going to make the cistern sit where it needs to to match the existing pipework and the securing holes in the wall. It's all because the replacement coupling kit isn't a good match for the one I took off. The one I took off had a metal plate and what looks like a foam doughnut which is compressed almost to nothing at the back end. The new one is an Opella, in which the plate is plastic and slightly thicker and the doughnut is rubber, I think, and much bigger in all dimensions. So I'm resigned to finding another coupling kit, more like the original, when the sheds re-open on Monday. Failing that, I have a stanley knife, lots of time, and a tube of LS-X. Anyone tried "customising" a doughnut to fit? Another question - what are the merits of a foam versus a rubber doughnut? Would a foam one compress more? Thanks for all your help - I hope you're not bored yet. I could get a plumber in, of course, but where's the fun.