
16 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
Why can it not come back, teach some kids of today some manners instead of prison and the rest of the c rap that goes on?.
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CONSCRIPTION, should be mandatory, as it is in many other other countries. Teens are inept. I spoke to one, and the conversation went along the line, vinyl? Yes those big black disks? (EEk!)
conscription will probably never happen again
there are more people wanting to join the services than places available
you can not and rightly so demand that someone kills another person in a civilised world
Looking at some of the youth of today,,, Would the armed forces want this shower of s***e??

I think not.
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conscription will probably never happen again

you can not and rightly so demand that someone kills another person in a civilised world
'tis true that many would object to a military career , but conscription doesn't neccessarily mean going into the forces. If we look back at the second world war there were the Bevin boys, conscripts who were sent down the pits rather than the front line , equally important work.
It should be possible to "conscript" teens into organisations that will instil disciplin and respect without creating the largest standing army on the planet.
However, biggy's right , it'll probably never happen, without radical new government thinking.
In France (I have a French Brother-in-law... unfortunately! :LOL: ), National Service can be completed through working for a company.
you can not and rightly so demand that someone kills another person in a civilised world

Where exactly is this civilised world you mention? Are there any free spaces on this 'civilised world'? If yes, I would like to move there!
Does the OP really mean conscription, ie straight into the forces, or National Service, which was mandatory, but I don't believe they are the same, even though a civvy conscripted wouldn't be sent to the front line? But it seems like a fine line identifying the difference?

I used to know a foreign national that was conscripted, in his country, and he was very 'militarised', in his behaviour, from tidying up, to how he came across to people, slightly distant, and very efficient, like a kind of brainwashed effect, part of his personality didn't seem to be there?
you can not and rightly so demand that someone kills another person in a civilised world

Where exactly is this civilised world you mention? Are there any free spaces on this 'civilised world'? If yes, I would like to move there!

free thinking rational non knee jerk reaction but sensible intelligent and fair society that we are ;)
In 1962 and at the tender age of 15 I commenced a 6 years engineering apprenticeship. For those formative years I had in effect 2 father figures. One my true father at home, and secondly the journeyman who was charged with my care, instruction and discipline at work during my apprenticeship. Both of these men had served and saw action in the second world war. Both of these men, I believe had an effect on the person I turned out to be. I believe that I am a forthright, understanding, thoughtful, caring and law abiding individual.

So many of today's male children do not have any immediate male role model to take guidance from. I sometimes despair for the future of society. Or maybe I am just an old pessimist
Sadly, I think you are right. Our fathers brought home army discipline after the war and it was in schools too. It's all gone now. This current generation are probably the worst in human history.
Remember sleeping under itchy schratchy army blankets as a kid, with a few coats on the bed, dad fitted his own CH, oil fired, sometimes he had to strip it to light it, and we were posh then, maybe co's we had a phone as well , albeit, party line :(
Sadly, I think you are right. Our fathers brought home army discipline after the war and it was in schools too. It's all gone now. This current generation are probably the worst in human history.
and what have they to look forward to- but us sitting in homes we could afford - and kept raising the prices artificially- while wasting petrol in our 4x4`s - having had a free uni education if we got there- it`s us that are the ones . Index linked pensions and all . :oops:
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