Conspiracy theories

Yes, it would be; ask Stalin.

Your number - but would it; how or why?
No, you're right, clearly everyone would still be going to the pub and on holiday if only we hadn't had a lockdown.

It's this sort of cutting insight that gives conspiracy theorists a bad name.
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I am not sure that I believe that Covid 19 started with a bowl of " Bat and Pangolin Soup" in a street market !!!
I am not sure that I believe that Covid 19 started with a bowl of " Bat and Pangolin Soup" in a street market !!!
Unless of course one of those serial spreaders Boris or Donald spat in it :)
It appears to be spread by inhalation of droplets.

Not by eating soup.
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that's an important word.

You'll recall that meat processing plants and slaughterhouses in USA and Europe have had terrible transmission rates, and there is no suggestion that they have been full of people eating bats. It might be to do with the chilled surroundings where people may be coughing and sneezing and the droplets don't quickly dry out.
Appears to be?

Does that mean they still don't know for certain?

perhaps it means that study of this particular disease has been gong on for less than a year.

Only a Trump would pretend that all the answers are known.
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