Corinex Powerline status lights

21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
I have what seems to be a malfunctioning Powerline device.

Does anyone know what the status LEDs mean? Sadly the user manual is useless on this point.

PS - in case anyone is wondering, yes I have already Googled, to no avail.
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Hi Igorian

Thanks for the manual that you Emailed me.
For anyone else who needs the information, it's available here, and it says:

1. POWER Green On:
Power on
Off: Power off

2. PLC Green
On: Powerline activity
Off : No Powerline activity
Blinking : Receiving/Transmitting data

On: Link on LAN
Off: No link on LAN
Blinking: receiving/transmitting data

I Emailed the Corinex people two days ago, and got a reply today.

I've asked them to tell me what a "blinking" power LED means.

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As it's the power light indicator that is flashing could this be an indication of a bad supply such as no earth or something like that? Has the device been moved to a different location and the socket outlet has a wiring fault?
All good ideas, tim west.

More information: I installed a new pair (different brand) of Powerline devices, in the same sockets, and they worked immediately.

I kind of know that the Corinex one must be faulty, I was just kind of hoping that the information would be out there on the Interwebby, or that someone from Corinex would be able to confirm it.

Hey ho.