Coronavirus: Masks for public 'could put NHS supplies at risk'

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
Aha here we go just like the slowly slowly leaking of the fact this lockdown won't be 'just a minor period' they're now finally admitting the real reason why ive insisted all along they haven't advocated we all use masks like some of the more sensible nations have.

I also blame WHO for this, whilst they have credible world class people their output seems to be somewhat controlled by their 'contributors'

And talking of NHS supplies i heard about a recent issue with a vast amount of masks going missing in a hospital on investigation they were in a ward non related to icu in fact far from where they should be, booked out by someone, i spoke to a nurse about this who noted once the masks are checked into a hospital there is no accounting of where they go after that.

That aside we should all be wearing masks i again insist this is the way forward they all know it but won't admit it for the below reasons.

"NHS supplies of face masks could be put at risk if the government starts advising the public to wear them, hospital bosses have warned.

The government's scientific advisers are to meet later to discuss whether the public should be urged to wear masks in a bid to combat coronavirus.

But Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, warned there should be "clear evidence" to justify their use.

He said securing supplies for NHS staff amid huge global demand was "crucial".
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Why have we not got manufacturers in the UK making them yet?
Millions of pieces of vital protective equipment are being shipped from British warehouses to Germany, Spain and Italy despite severe shortages in this country, The Telegraph can disclose.

Lorries are being packed with masks, respirators and other PPE kit before heading back to supply hospitals in the EU, it has emerged.

On Monday night, UK firms said they had “no choice” but to keep selling the lifesaving gear abroad because their offers of help had been repeatedly ignored by the Government.

It comes as the Government faces growing criticism over the PPE crisis with hospitals close to running out of critical equipment, and doctors forced to choose between exposing themselves to the virus or “letting a patient die on their watch”....

To continue reading this article...
If the NHS can't get enough masks, where on earth are we going to enough masks to keep 66million people supplied.
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Aha here we go just like the slowly slowly leaking of the fact this lockdown won't be 'just a minor period' they're now finally admitting the real reason why ive insisted all along they haven't advocated we all use masks like some of the more sensible nations have.

I also blame WHO for this, whilst they have credible world class people their output seems to be somewhat controlled by their 'contributors'

And talking of NHS supplies i heard about a recent issue with a vast amount of masks going missing in a hospital on investigation they were in a ward non related to icu in fact far from where they should be, booked out by someone, i spoke to a nurse about this who noted once the masks are checked into a hospital there is no accounting of where they go after that.

That aside we should all be wearing masks i again insist this is the way forward they all know it but won't admit it for the below reasons.

"NHS supplies of face masks could be put at risk if the government starts advising the public to wear them, hospital bosses have warned.

The government's scientific advisers are to meet later to discuss whether the public should be urged to wear masks in a bid to combat coronavirus.

But Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, warned there should be "clear evidence" to justify their use.

He said securing supplies for NHS staff amid huge global demand was "crucial".

Why have we not got manufacturers in the UK making them yet?

Millions of pieces of vital protective equipment are being shipped from British warehouses to Germany, Spain and Italy despite severe shortages in this country, The Telegraph can disclose.

Lorries are being packed with masks, respirators and other PPE kit before heading back to supply hospitals in the EU, it has emerged.

On Monday night, UK firms said they had “no choice” but to keep selling the lifesaving gear abroad because their offers of help had been repeatedly ignored by the Government.

It comes as the Government faces growing criticism over the PPE crisis with hospitals close to running out of critical equipment, and doctors forced to choose between exposing themselves to the virus or “letting a patient die on their watch”....

To continue reading this article...

Perhaps because the Government contracted Deloitte to manage the procurement of PPE equipment.

Let that settle in for you.

Deloitte being Deloitte got in touch with large clothing makers like Burberry etc asking them to make PPE equipment as their thinking was we need a big producer. Well shocking as this comes to them (Deloitte were chosen for their supply chain speciality)these companies said we need time to repurpose our facilities. In the meanwhile small manufacturers were tearing their hair out with offers of help being rebuffed so these companies then decided to sell to anyone including abroad. Deloitte now are in a mad scramble trying to either buy ready made PPE from anywhere rather than ask local small manufacturers to supply in the interim.

So these small manufacturers can quickly set up to make gowns etc and many are trying to make PPE as fast as they can but they are suffering from supply shortages of material. You need material that meets EN 13795 standard.
on UKbusiness forum a poster who is an importer from China (thats his business) said he offered UK government and NHS procurement managers, ventilators and loads of PPE -nobody got back to him, nobody could decide or confirm if they wanted anything -so he ended up selling it to Portugal and other EU countries.

The guy knew the correct people to deal with as he has contacts, he wasnt some random guy trying to flog stuff
Perhaps because the Government contracted Deloitte to manage the procurement of PPE equipment.

Let that settle in for you.

Deloitte being Deloitte got in touch with large clothing makers like Burberry etc asking them to make PPE equipment as their thinking was we need a big producer. Well shocking as this comes to them (Deloitte were chosen for their supply chain speciality)these companies said we need time to repurpose our facilities. In the meanwhile small manufacturers were tearing their hair out with offers of help being rebuffed so these companies then decided to sell to anyone including abroad. Deloitte now are in a mad scramble trying to either buy ready made PPE from anywhere rather than ask local small manufacturers to supply in the interim.

So these small manufacturers can quickly set up to make gowns etc and many are trying to make PPE as fast as they can but they are suffering from supply shortages of material. You need material that meets EN 13795 standard.
Interesting insight thankyou and the same time not surprising the mindset here of many large corporates i've dealt with myself.. fk sake why aren't the press highlighting this or are they? I haven't seen any press raise this on the daily government meetings.
Interesting insight thankyou and the same time not surprising the mindset here of many large corporates i've dealt with myself.. fk sake why aren't the press highlighting this or are they? I haven't seen any press raise this on the daily government meetings.

I am working with a small manufacturer. They have furloughed staff but then have take on volunteers to do the stitching. Problem is to keep the 2m distancing rules means they have lowered their capacity and need storage.

The owner has been through their wits end contacting the NHS over the specs they want for gowns (not only the material but the types as well). But thankfully the local hospitals will buy everything they can produce.
why aren't the press highlighting this or are they? I haven't seen any press raise this on the daily government meetings.

There is frequent mention of incompetent bumbling, unrealistic expectations, broken promises, and even of people who don't turn up to important meetings.

One of the problems this government has, is that all the competent, experienced, intelligent, well-informed or ingenious politicians were sacked, bullied out, or deselected so that only Borisites have power.

Can you imagine a nation where the Chancellor of the Exchequer is forced out because he disagrees with an eccentric unelected advisor who is a buddy of the Prime Minister? Or where a top Civil Servant resigns as a result of persistent bullying by his inexperienced Home Secretary?

Senior civil servants that have not been sacked, bullied out or resigned have been diverted to work on the Brexit No Deal catastrophe.

In some quarters it is thought unpatriotic to mention any of this.
There is frequent mention of incompetent bumbling, unrealistic expectations, broken promises, and even of people who don't turn up to important meetings.

One of the problems this government has, is that all the competent, experienced, intelligent, well-informed or ingenious politicians were sacked, bullied out, or deselected so that only Borisites have power.

Can you imagine a nation where the Chancellor of the Exchequer is forced out because he disagrees with an eccentric unelected advisor who is a buddy of the Prime Minister? Or where a top Civil Servant resigns as a result of persistent bullying by his inexperienced Home Secretary?

Senior civil servants that have not been sacked, bullied out or resigned have been diverted to work on the Brexit No Deal catastrophe.

In some quarters it is thought unpatriotic to mention any of this.
Thankyou for highlighting it for the umpteenth time tho
One of the problems this government has, is that all the competent, experienced, intelligent, well-informed or ingenious politicians were sacked, bullied out, or deselected so that only Borisites have power.

Who was sacked, most of them simply made themselves unpalatable or offensive to the voting public.
They had an ex militarism Tory MP on C4 last night. He made an interesting and probably very valid point. A cabinet style government is good stable and safe but fundamentally can't hand crisis quickly. It needs something different. Not sure I agree really problems are down to how it all works and also to some extent the civil service behind it. The military man mentioned what I would call lack of both joined up and lateral thinking. That needs to be done in stages. The problem in this case was clear. It's a virus, it spreads easily and it was bound to get here. So there is an immediate choice. Don't let it, let it. Let it needs more steps. It's here so what to do and etc there are always choices and each will have implications. They have been through this on paper and concluded they can't stop it(similar) getting here. It's a flu plan - they can be really serious. Seems there is an unpublished pandemic plan from 2016 that highlighted PPE. So in real terms they could have ordered stuff as soon as the WHO was notified. They wont call pandemic until it is for obvious reasons as that means chaos compared with the usual run of things world wide.

Running PPE stocks down from the earlier plan has been mentioned. They may have decided to go just in time on it. Stock represents money so only keep what is needed for day to day running plus a small surplus and account for arrival time. Do this and problems world wide will cause more problems as the makers will be geared up on the same basis. Switch a company that in this instance uses sewing machines and they need to obtain materials. It doesn't happen over night. They need to cut and sew - bit of sorting to do. Some probably cut automatically, some use patterns.

They may be talking to the wrong people about making it. Lady who referred to herself as the top of the world clothing organisation ( pass ) who says she has all of the contacts. Well the clothing companies cancelled several million quids worth of orders from Bangladesh due to CV19. There will be some mechanism for getting work there and other places as well. All a bit late though. There will be some sort of clothing organisation. There usually is one for anything specific. They know the business concerned. MP's and civil servant etc ?

UK company making truck loads and shipping them - give me a link. I find it hard to believe but we do have a lot of clothing manufacturers - some expensive and some more small scale. This doesn't mean they can meet demand though. They will just have enough machines and people to meet their needs.
I am working with a small manufacturer. They have furloughed staff but then have take on volunteers to do the stitching. Problem is to keep the 2m distancing rules means they have lowered their capacity and need storage.

The owner has been through their wits end contacting the NHS over the specs they want for gowns (not only the material but the types as well). But thankfully the local hospitals will buy everything they can produce.
Aha see what you mean :(

Coronavirus: Cheshire businessman's anger as PPE offer 'ignored'
The bizarre maybe about being an NHS worker is that maybe all should wear some sort of mask all of the time what ever they are doing in order to limit spreading. Social distancing away from CV19 patients can't be easy and even "office" workers might spread it. In other words there aren't any truly safe zones just as there isn't outside.

China seems to have relaxed masks. Needn't wear one outside unless they want to but must in buildings. These don't need replacing often as they are serving another purpose. As this has been mentioned as relaxed they may have insisted on outside before. They don't need to be high end masks. Cloth might be ideal so that they can be washed and dried easily.

Others making say gowns. The beeb mentioned that their drama people had made 6,000. Sounds a lot but the Turkish 440,000 according to a reporter would last 3 days. Probably exaggerated but ...... gives some idea of the numbers needed and the problem with making sufficient often enough here.
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