Couldn't organise a.....

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
No ships, no port, no clue...

And reliant on EU backers...

But that's the madness that is Brexit!

Brexit: Seaborne Freight no-deal ferry contract scrapped

"A controversial ferry contract awarded to a company with no ships as part of no-deal Brexit plans has been scrapped, the government has said.

Ministers had faced criticism for the £13.8m deal with Seaborne Freight, which has never run a ferry service.

The Department of Transport said it made the decision after the company's Irish backer pulled out"

The phrase 'up s hit creek with no paddle' seems appropriate :LOL:

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Anyone who has worked in a theatrical environment would be familiar with the dress rehearsal gaffs/cockups and chaos being funnier than any intended comedy. It'll be alright on the night!
This news report reminds me of such a scenario.
Pulled out because of the bad press from the Remainers who seem intent on destroying any efforts made in the name of Brexit.

No I don’t have a link or a source, it’s my opinion.
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Pulled out because of the bad press from the Remainers who seem intent on destroying any efforts made in the name of Brexit.

No I don’t have a link or a source, it’s my opinion.


Pulled out because of the bad press from the Remainers who seem intent on destroying any efforts made in the name of Brexit.

No I don’t have a link or a source, it’s my opinion.

Btw, you forgot to also blame the EU

Rome is starting to burn, and the quitters already have their fiddles out...
I don’t blame the EU
Ah, finally the realisation that the incompetence and root of our ills comes from this side of the channel...

Took a while, but well done (y)
Ah, finally the realisation that the incompetence and root of our ills comes from this side of the channel...

Took a while, but well done (y)

If that’s what you get from my post, good on you (y)
Losers are always hoping that the efforts of others go wrong. It justifies there position of being totally useless and not having the gumption to do anything in life. Loser/remainer - same difference.

So you must be a loser as you have mentioned the downfall of the EU countless times. (y)

Go seek help. Someone in your condition is going to cause harm to yourself or others.
No ships, no port, no clue...

And reliant on EU backers...

But that's the madness that is Brexit!

Brexit: Seaborne Freight no-deal ferry contract scrapped

"A controversial ferry contract awarded to a company with no ships as part of no-deal Brexit plans has been scrapped, the government has said.

Ministers had faced criticism for the £13.8m deal with Seaborne Freight, which has never run a ferry service.

The Department of Transport said it made the decision after the company's Irish backer pulled out"

The phrase 'up s hit creek with no paddle' seems appropriate :LOL:

So, you moan that the contract should have been awarded, not a penny has been spent, it’s now been cancelled. Surely that should make you happy or would you have rather proceeded with a bad deal? Proceed with a bad deal, hmm, where have I heard that before.....’s now been cancelled...

How fortunate that the government has been helped by people pointing out their stupidity.

I saw some Tory MP on the telly just now still stoutly maintaining the fiction that due diligence was done before awarding the contract.

My asre.
So, you moan that the contract should have been awarded, not a penny has been spent, it’s now been cancelled. Surely that should make you happy or would you have rather proceeded with a bad deal? Proceed with a bad deal, hmm, where have I heard that before.....

You were defending the awarding of the contract in spite of evidence to the contrary.

Now the Government is unwilling to comply with FOI requests to determine why it was awarded in the first place.

Awarding a contract that was full of unknowns was always going to be a failure, just like stepping into the unknown without a clue will be a failure.
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