council rip off - planning

As with everything else the local authorities do these days, they seem to have forgotten that they are supposed to be the servants and not the masters.
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There's a population explosion going on - but they take - not pay council tax.
Total con! Time we all stopped accepting this sh*t and started challenging it! Perhaps thats why they introduced this without telling anyone!

welcome to the forum, well it doesn't seem like a year ago that i posted this but it is, how time flies, funny that i was only talking with a customer today on the very subject. I am now thinking along the lines of submitting the application again WITHOUT a section 106 agreement, letting them refuse it and then sueing them for withholding permission because i won't pay their ransom money!
the alternative is to build an extension to the maximum size for permitted development and sticking 2 fingers up at them :LOL:
I am now thinking along the lines of submitting the application again WITHOUT a section 106 agreement, letting them refuse it and then sueing them for withholding permission because i won't pay their ransom money!
Pffft let us know how that one pans out! :LOL:
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Yea negotiate it as best you can like everyone else you muppet, pay up or feck off. It ain't brain surgery!

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