Council Tax Refund (Does it have a name)

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
The announcement made by the government regarding £150 refund on council tax on bands A-D, does this have a name?
I want to apply for the discretionary payment of this but would like to give it a name.
Please keep witty ones to a minimum.
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The announcement made by the government regarding £150 refund on council tax on bands A-D, does this have a name?
I want to apply for the discretionary payment of this but would like to give it a name.
Please keep witty ones to a minimum.
It will be done automatically by council if you pay by direct debit if you pay cash council will contact you but nothing will be happening till april
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We will get **** all as we are band E.
Thats the thanks you get fo working hard, spending wisely, saving hard and you are
worse off than a workshy clown that lives in a rent paid social housing property that
bought by the taxpayers
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dont quote me but i think it only goes to anybody on means tested benefits
We will get **** all as we are band E.
Thats the thanks you get fo working hard, spending wisely, saving hard and you are
worse off than a workshy clown that lives in a rent paid social housing property that
bought by the taxpayers
I'm band E that's why I will be applying, nothing to lose. I tried to get my band changed years ago, a very sympathetic inspector finished by increasing my neighbours. Unfortunately being rural there are no two house the same or even similar. So its fingers crossed.
I'm band E that's why I will be applying, nothing to lose. I tried to get my band changed years ago, a very sympathetic inspector finished by increasing my neighbours. Unfortunately being rural there are no two house the same or even similar. So its fingers crossed.
Good luck. We have no chance as we added lots to it and massively upgraded it, extension to the side, back and roof and a massive office at the back of the garden - if and when we sell it it will be F band minum
Don't you just love a bragger! And, no, I'm not jealous. I wouldn't have your personality for all the tea in China.
We will get **** all as we are band E.
Thats the thanks you get fo working hard, spending wisely, saving hard and you are
worse off than a workshy clown that lives in a rent paid social housing property that
bought by the taxpayers

Not as simple as that -- you're making it out to be an "us and them, rich and poor" situation. What about all the poor boggers in between who work hard, spend wisely and save what they can scrape together only to get set back again at the next hike in tax, utility rates, etc.? We are kept exactly where the governments want us with our heads just bobbing above the water.

I've never claimed a penny of benefits in my life and I've never been given anything from Mummy and Daddy to get where me and my partner are now, yet these past two years have been a real struggle after redundancy, ending up working in a car parts factory for 50 hours a week and only just getting back somewhere similar pay-wise to where I was before the Covid reaction. We have been sensibly waiting a few years to have a child, and now that is just 12 weeks away I'm doing what I can to prepare for the massive drop in income we'll face.

I welcome anything to help ease what's going to be another tough year for the silenced mass of 'ordinary' working families. I don't want handouts but when the tax is raised year-on-year by its maximum permitted rate, can you blame people for wanting some respite?

If you think you're worse off in your "massively upgraded" home than somebody renting out social housing, then you're quite simply deluded.
its worth pointing out iff have children you get child benefit ??
its worth pointing out iff have children you get child benefit ??

Yes, it's about £20 a week. The rate has barely changed over the past 25 years though. In fact if you're a single parent (for whatever reason) the payment has taken 30 years to increase by a measly fiver. As great as that is and as appreciative as I will be of it, it doesn't compensate for a huge drop in the mother's wages.

We shouldn't simply expect be paid to have children (although a lot of Western nations do to increase natural population growth), but it's unfair to criticise moves like the council tax refund because too many assume the benefit scroungers are the only ones who need it.
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