Court rules in favour of the supremacy of UK Parliament

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If you keep making inaccurate claims that Parliament is bound to act in the way you wish
I made no such statement. All I said was if parliament chooses to keep us in the EU then I'll start moaning. I guess misrepresenation comes easily to you.
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I found this article about you.

Man who demanded sovereignty of Parliament outraged by sovereignty of Parliament


A man who voted for the sovereignty of Parliament is utterly outraged by Parliament wanting to vote on stuff this afternoon.

Simon Williams, whose primary motivation for voting to leave the European Union was to establish the primacy of Parliament over external influence, is hopping mad that Parliament actually would like a say in the process of that departure.

A ruling that both the Houses of Commons and Lords will get a vote on the terms of departure from the EU resulted in Simon’s face turning purple and a succession of intemperate rants in capital letters on several popular Internet sites.

“I voted for Parliament to be able to act unhindered by people telling them what to do, and make decisions that they think will benefit the people of this country,” he told us.

“So why the **** aren’t they doing what I tell them and making decisions I agree with?

“If they put a foot out of line, well, those elected representatives in Westminster don’t understand democracy, that’s for sure.”
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ha ha, I see you've edited your post again.
Parliament is supreme.

Apparently it's the high court that is "Supreme." You know the one,, full of "unelected" judges. The same judges who rule that our government can't deport foreign criminals. The same judges who make rulings on the rights of prisoners (probably the same criminals they put away in the bloody first place) Yes, you know these judges all too well.
You are mistaken. You appear to imagine that UK courts make up laws, or decide which ones to import.

The courts uphold the laws and procedures that Parliament has decided. If Parliament tells the courts to follow laws and cases relating to human rights, they do it. Mrs Mayhem is not fond of human rights so she has said she intends to ask Parliament to repeal the Human Rights laws the UK courts are currently upholding, and which were composed by British lawyers acting for the British government, which Parliament told them to uphold. I don't know if she is offended by the idea that people should not be imprisoned without trial, or should not be tortured, or should not be enslaved, or if there is something else she disagrees with. Do you know?
you originally said you expected Parliament to do as it was told.
Nope, see post #11.

I don't know if she is offended by the idea that people should not be imprisoned without trial, or should not be tortured, or should not be enslaved, or if there is something else she disagrees with. Do you know?
Pretty sure she wants to imprison us all in labour camps and eat our babies. Yes, that's the most logical conclusion. Thanks for making us aware of it.
John you're such a skidmark on this forum. Can you also not use the term 'we' because you don't represent me in anything you have to say, I don't even want to be on the same island as you.
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