Covid cases Hospital Admissions & Deaths Rising - Should Masks Return?

Getting dirty looks for wearing one might be an English thing. I still wear a mask in shops and no one bats an eyelid.

If they did it's not the kind of people who I have much respect for their opinions anyway, so.
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Our college is insisting that staff and students continue to wear masks, especially in communal areas, (? everywhere you go in a college is a communal area! Classrooms, study rooms and areas, changing rooms, canteen et al!). Staff are allowed to remove theirs in a classroom but must stay at least 2 metres away from a student. Teachers ignore this rule and keep their masks on because there is always someone coming up to ask a question. I occasionally get to sit in the office with my boss, who sits about 2 1/2 metres away and slightly behind. I still keep my mask on. Sanitise my hands when I get out my car, walk in the entrance doors, walk into the office, get in and out the lift etc. We have 2 cleaners who now work 9.30am to 4.00pm solely walking round with sanitiser spray and cloths constantly wiping down touch points on doors, bannisters, swipe areas of the speed barriers. When the late shift cleaners come in at 4.00pm every desk/work surface in every classroom is sanitise wiped along with the chairs/stools. We are, (well we were when I was last in just over a week ago), the bottom of the East Suffolk education establishments list for cases of Covid. When students arrive they are reminded to use the sanitiser stations though some have their own personal bottle and use this.
Face up to it people! It hasn't gone away and it won't if we drop our guard too soon! Shops have signs up requesting people sanitise and wear masks but because brainy boris said they don't need to they don't and the shop staff don't have the legal right to enforce them to.
I had to go into hospital last week for a kidney biopsy and my wife was not allowed in the hospital to even accompany me to the day ward! This morning we took my middle steson to Papworth for a pacemaker check. Only his mum was allowed to go with him. On Thursday my wife is going to Ipswich to see a specialist and we have been told I can 'escort' her to the waiting room but must then go back outside until she is finished. Obviously in all cases we have had to wear masks and sanitise on entry and when I was in all the staff were wearing masks/gloves etc Both me and the other guy in the day ward wore ours all the time, (approximately 9 hours just in the ward).

Yep, this is the main point - it is now up to companies and homes to decide what they do to protect themselves. Not ideal, but it's the deck we've been dealt. It might all change if cases become unmanageable.

Luckily, some people are getting their 4 jabs now and maintaining immunity. Even my parents ventured out recently, albeit to a funeral, and enjoyed meeting some old faces. Another great guy, a once award winning sports editor, passed away.

I have mostly not been wearing a mask myself, but with 2 kids and a wife in school, we've been exposed more than the average person - one son has now had covid at least 3 times.

I think it is true that masks do mostly protect infected people from spreading it, but they do also help prevent you breathing some infected water droplets in.
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Getting dirty looks for wearing one might be an English thing. I still wear a mask in shops and no one bats an eyelid.

If they did it's not the kind of people who I have much respect for their opinions anyway, so.

I've not seen any dirty looks. Some people are a bit paranoid and think everybody is out to get them.
"may be an English thing" but its always from the ignorant, "British" or otherwise.

We all read about die-hard ant-vaxers ending up in hospital and begging for the vaccine and "regretting" their stance, but by then it is often too late.
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I wear one more than the law requires, but I'm not going to be evangelical about it.

Certainly, some people are out to "get" anyone they can, and use masks as a weapon they can adopt in their self-righteous, odious, cockwombling crusading. Usually it's the same characters who don't realise how boringly repulsive they are to be around. I know a schoolmistress, recently sidelined for tubthumping, though nobody would accuse specifically for that because of the straw-man responses they'd get.

There's so much boll@x around about masks.....
Mosts masks leak like crazy, and are NOT only going to afford protection to those around the wearer.

I've seen the most-lecturing idiots wearing the types with "respirator" valves, which allow your breath and contents out to the world unfiltered. I was told it was "on a website" that they are just as good. It turned out yes, it did say "just as good", but for the wearer! The valved masks do help protect the wearer even more than unvalved, because they allow the mask to fit better.

It's common to say masks don't protect the wearer, which defies logic. Most wearing of masks for the few decades I've noticed, has been to protect the wearer; then covid cames along and no, no, no! Barking.
It's true that virions themselves are tiny and could pass through most masks, but they're very short lived unless they're in a droplet. Other particles (dry) can make up the aerosol population, but there again the virus "dies" quite quickly. If you're filtering the atmosphere for covid, you're looking for droplet- bound covid. Droplets start life relatively huge, and are easier to filter in a mask. If you wear the same mask all day, liquid will evaporate from droplets, providing the wearer with a source of smaller particles.:eek:

In such practical surveys as I've found, there is evidence that masks help, though it's difficult to statistically discriminate from other factors which normally coexist in situations/communities which care about covid. Those would tend to ventilate better, if you're wearing a mask you're more likely to be aware about handwashing, and so on.

The neurotic will worry themselves into the ground about it, and the psychotic will ignore it even if it kills them - like they, and you, were going to die sometime anyway.
Damn, all these people are such a pain to live with!
Yeah, it really is all about reducing personal risk. Covid has not gone away, and likely never will. We will in time become more immune to it hopefully, but like flu, malaria etc. it will still kill the weakest of the population for many years to come.

Hand sanitising is a funny one though. I rarely use sanitisers when I am out, but I have always been a bit OCD with keeping my hands clean and wash my hands before leaving the house, so when I arrive at a shop I am probably more at risk from touching the sanitiser spout. But always use it if in a hospital, and also at the kung-fu club where we routinely train with hand-to-arm/hand contact. Still a bit pointless though, as we don't wear masks when training opposite each other!
They are running tests still so those figures are reliable.The weekly NOS one for instance as has been mentioned numerous times on the news. ;) I looked at one test on reinfection done in hospitals. :) Crazy ever increasing numbers seen then an almighty drop. The people used must have changes what they do to avoid catching it again.

Mask do reduce aerosol spread from infected people. It's incredibly easy to realise why but a valve to jet it out when people exhale is obviously stupid. Talking spreads more than just breathing. Singing even more. Coughs spread them an amazing distance. Sneezing may be even worse.

Wearing them for protection needs more care but it's not what I would call rocket science. Reuse really depends on how long the virus can live on them or general crap on them making peoples noses run. Easily fixed by washing them and changing the filter. Surgical type masks are intended to reduce aerosol spread. That is why they are worn.
As said above, Covid isn't going anywhere so you just have to do the best you can to minimise the risk.

I've worked though the whole lot, it's been surreal commuting to work on empty roads, and talking to people that have been fully locked down and spoon fed news.

Felt most sorry for my two children but they seem to have come out of the other end ok.
Aircraft have very little fresh air, and are notorious for spreading disease among passengers cropped up in close proximity to people from all over the world.

hasn't everyone got off a plane and come down with some bug a couple of days later?

Maybe in the past but 50% of the air in a modern aircraft is drawn in from outside - the other 50% is filtered and recycled.

The proximity of 200 people on a plane will allow virus’ to spread, not necessarily the air quality.
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