Covid Death Stats: Looking Like Us Doubters May Be Right

13 Sep 2010
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Wrong side of The Channel
United Kingdom
warning, this is a self-confessed troll

I realise the story is Front Page of The Daily Mail so the usual brigade will automatically start carping. However, what's been obvious to me and a few notable others on here for a ling time is now starting to make people ask questions. That is namely that the UK deaths attributed to Covid are grossly inflated and exaggerated. We're being lied to, 'played' and given false figures to fool the gullible who ask no questions and readily believe everything the lying government and biased MSM tell us. Only a halfwit would believe the greatly padded out figures which make us look like we have the highest death rate in Europe, if not the world.

I had my suspicions confirmed several months ago when my brother visited a couple who both worked in frontline NHS jobs for his work. When he went through the usual rigmarole as he is instructed to do about dressing up in PPE, they said "no need to bother with all that rubbish". He was shocked, but immediately understood as he is sceptical too. Later they asked him what he was going to do "about the fraud in The NHS?" When he questioned them further, they said that many deaths in their hospitals were specified on the death certs as Covid when they're not. They were under orders to put Covid if in any doubt and they said that people who died of lung complaints like emphysema were routinely put down as Covid. This is going on all over the country.

I've been called a 'nutter' on here and told by someone on here that I'm "off my head". Well, it's the gullible, slow-thinking sheep on here who suck up all the propaganda and lies from a lying government and complicit MSM (although the DM seems to be breaking ranks) that are the ones who are off their heads. They've allowed themselves to be literally muzzled and shoot down anyone who dares to think for themselves and not follow the flock over the cliff edge. Anyone who's awake and paying attention could see what was happening, and over the coming weeks and months the truth will emerge. It's not easy for the sheep to admit they may have been suckered, so expect them to keep up their juvenile, purile insults and non-arguments. Well done, gullible ones! (y)
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JohnD, can you take your biased input off my thread please. And please stop smearing me because I'm undermining your arguments.

Winding up Nosey doesn't make anyone a troll.
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Only a halfwit would believe the greatly padded out figures


JohnD, can you take your biased input off my thread please

Very balanced viewpoint there. If a person disagrees with you they are biased or a halfwit?

I know this bit bores you, but are you saying that the undisputed excess deaths are NOT Covid related? EFL likes to play the stats and lies card, 'the 5 year average is flawed' argument. Explain them to me. Especially, back when it was only 60k extra, April to December. Bit of late 'out of season' flu? The stats don't support your view, so they must be wrong? Note: no juvenile or purile insults.

PS: who's in charge of the troll warning? I love it!

'the 5 year average is flawed' argument. Explain them to me.
Well the actual number of deaths has been rising since 2011, so had a ten year average been used then the number of excess deaths would be even higher, so what does the figure represent?

I gave a simple example where excess deaths could be 100% more than the five year average while the same number is only 20% higher than two years ago.

Also, the actual number of deaths is unclear.

JohnD recently posted a BBC article quoting 697,000 deaths in 2020 which stated figures which would mean that the previous five years' average was higher than the number of deaths in all of the five years. Therefore something is not correct and that number far higher than stated anywhere else.

He did not respond to my queries therefore you may assume that I was correct.

Other articles have stated the number of deaths in 2020 were only a small number in excess of 2018 so what would that say?

So, unless you can find accurate numbers of deaths in 2020, we may be excused for thinking that someone is trying to mislead us.

I don't mind being proved wrong if you can find accurate figures.
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Throughout the stats argument, I have pointed to excess deaths, with the question, if not Covid, then what? I know (I think) you are not denying the existence of Covid, so what is it?
Not denying anything except that we are not told what the five year average is so the number is meaningless especially as the actual number of annual deaths has been rising since 2011 so the average will be low.

If the average were higher, would you be happier? The same number would have died.

Anyway, the blue is not that much compared to the green. I realise it only goes to September.

Are you disputing the number of deaths here?
No, but what are they? Add up the columns.
Don't know. I'd like to think people will be more diligent in cleaning their hands post pandemic but they probably won't and I don't think it will become commonplace to wear a face covering, though perhaps it should.

The fact that Flu has had almost no effect, for many months, should lead us all, into understanding how deadly Covid 19 would have been, without all the measures taken.
I had my suspicions confirmed several months ago when my brother visited a couple who both worked in frontline NHS jobs for his work. When he went through the usual rigmarole as he is instructed to do about dressing up in PPE, they said "no need to bother with all that rubbish". He was shocked, but immediately understood as he is sceptical too.
Conclusive evidence then obviously..World wide scam.They all died of .....? What?Or have excess deaths not occurred World Wide?

I realise the story is Front Page of The Daily Mail so the usual brigade will automatically start carping. However, what's been obvious to me and a few notable others on here for a ling time is now starting to start people asking questions. That is namely that the UK deaths attributed to Covid are grossly inflated and exaggerated. We're being lied to, 'played' and given false figures to fool the gullible who ask no questions and readily believe everything the lying government and biased MSM tell us. Only a halfwit would believe the greatly padded out figures which make us look like we have the highest death rate in Europe, if not the world.

I had my suspicions confirmed several months ago when my brother visited a couple who both worked in frontline NHS jobs for his work. When he went through the usual rigmarole as he is instructed to do about dressing up in PPE, they said "no need to bother with all that rubbish". He was shocked, but immediately understood as he is sceptical too. Later they asked him what he was going to do "about the fraud in The NHS?" When he questioned them further, they said that many deaths in their hospitals were specified on the death certs as Covid when they're not. They were under orders to put Covid if in any doubt and they said that people who died of lung complaints like emphysema were routinely put down as Covid. This is going on all over the country.

I've been called a 'nutter' on here and told by someone on here that I'm "off my head". Well, it's the gullible, slow-thinking sheep on here who suck up all the propaganda and lies from a lying government and complicit MSM (although the DM seems to be breaking ranks) that are the one who are off their heads. They've allowed themselves to be literally muzzled and shoot down anyone who dares to think for themselves and not follow the flock over the cliff edge. Anyone who's awake and paying attention could see what was happening, and over the coming weeks and months the truth will emerge. It's not easy for the sheep to admit they may have been suckered, so expect them to keep up their juvenile, purile insults and non-arguments. Well done, gullible ones! (y)
It’s interesting how quiet a certain few people on this forum have been regarding this.
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