Cpx alarm !check code! Help needed (please)

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so your using what you believe to be the master code and cant remove a particular zone, the landing zone?

its possible in engineering the zone is set up so it cant be removed, seems strange as normally the landing it would be programmed to be removed in a part set, can you part set the system?
and you have never used them before?

so use user code then cancel the set
type in a random 4 digit code or the default engineers code 1234
From the attached image, I enter the User code, option to set alarm, if I put yes, alarm goes off, if I put no then just goes to all other options. No way of cancelling the set

it happened before, I just can’t remember what I do to isolate the zone when there is a fault
Okay lets go through this step wise:-

unset the system after alarm
enter user code (to unset)
Press No (this should display alarm fault)
enter user code again
It should ask if you want to set the system

Not in alarm
enter user code
It should ask if you want to set the system
press 0 and then No (this should display alarm fault)

what is the alarm fault
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To Reset

enter code
press reset key

To Omit / remove zone

Enter master/ or main code level code
Do you want to set system
Do you want to remove zones
press yes
enter zone number
press yes
Press 0
should ask if you want to set system
press yes
CPX will be like the 595 panel in programming it will have removable - or + as an option , this doesn’t affect wether that zone in on or off in part set ( just wether it can be manually removed ) also if it’s an EN version you have to enter user code and start setting , then put in the engineer code before it insets , then again to enter programming mode
dont think they can get into engineering as maybe they dont have the eng code.

the above should allow the zone to be omitted, if its been programmed as omittable if read the user manual correctly.

if its not then look at getting into engineering with codes available.
Entered user code from main screen ”enter code, check” no option to cancel the set. Asks do you want to set system, whatever code I enter, just sets off the alarm again. If I go through the menu, to remove zones, greeted by this.
it’s odd there is no where on troubleshooting or any instructions that cover this


  • IMG_6930.jpeg
    199.4 KB · Views: 96
I was given the engineering code, and used it before when he talked me through this before, I just can’t remember the instructions.. Apparently can’t use the system until issue resolved, but can’t remember how to resolve without opening the sensor and setting off the alarm again.
CPX will be like the 595 panel in programming it will have removable - or + as an option , this doesn’t affect wether that zone in on or off in part set ( just wether it can be manually removed ) also if it’s an EN version you have to enter user code and start setting , then put in the engineer code before it insets , then again to enter programming mode
Thank you. I have tried using the master code to set the alarm, it just goes off straight away (because the problem is still there) before I have even entered the eng code, I enter it anyway, and just keeps going off until I use the master code to shut it up. looks like I’m just going to have to just replace the battery and set the alarm off, which I don’t want to do, especially as there is a way of doing it without settling the alarm off …..also I am not sure what battery is in the door sensor until I open it….but have an idea thanks to YouTube
normally door sensors are not omittable so that will probably explain why it cant be omitted.

I suspect it be CR123A as they will be the bulky door contacts.


  • risco.jpeg
    6.8 KB · Views: 68
When you enter the user code and get the do you want to set,
can you get to authorise engineer by pressing no as on page 24 of the user manual?
When you enter the user code and get the do you want to set,
can you get to authorise engineer by pressing no as on page 24 of the user manual?
So I enter the user code, it goes through the menu, first being… do you want to set system?, if I press yes, alarm goes off (because fault still there). If I select no, just goes to next menu option…

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