creme egg



do you like them or hate them ? (even though i am XX(very old) i still like them, how about you?
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Rule 9 !!!! -- Depends upon the state of your gnashers or lack of and maybe where you live. ;)
Personally, I love 'em.

I recall back in my school days we thought it would be a good idea to get a few of 'em and throw 'em from the highest classroom window some 5 floors up and see who we could make a mess of. Complete waste of time and good chocolate, because the damn things wouldn't break and splatter! (yes, we DID take the wrappers off! :rolleyes: )
The Creme Egg Easter Eggs were always disappointing... am I the only one who expected it to be filled with fondant?! :LOL:

Now, assuming one storey is 3 metres, your 15 metre drop would mean the eggs were going about 17m/s at the ground, or 39mph! Assuming wind resistance was zero, of course ;)

As it happens, I never think I will enjoy a creme egg, but always do. Weird, that.
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I used to love them but now find them a bit sweet. Have they gone just slightly smaller over the years, or have I gone bigger. :cry:
david and julie said:
I used to love them but now find them a bit sweet.

Oh dear, that is the key sign of middle-age! When things that you liked before are now "too sweet". ;)

I noticed this when I worked behind a bar. If a young chap comes in and says "coke please", they usually want a pint. If a 30/40-something comes in and asks for a coke, you offer them a pint but they usually take a half. If you offer a pint of coke to anyone over 50 they often give you a look of shock and surprise and exclaim "People drink it in PINTS?!"
AdamW said:
Now, assuming one storey is 3 metres, your 15 metre drop would mean the eggs were going about 17m/s at the ground, or 39mph! Assuming wind resistance was zero, of course ;)
You have FAR too much time on your hands, man!

Although now you've got me thinking about it, if our only aim was to make a splattery mess on people below, why did we not think to just use ordinary, eggy eggs? :confused:
I love 'em, had one yesterday, and I'm approaching middle age as Adam kindly put it ;)

Pint's of coke ? I thought in London they sold it in grams ? :eek: ;)
I believe it is called the Westbrook Sniff... when you have no septum in your nose the capacity increases dramatically ;)
I was bored, so I wandered over to the petrol station and got a Creme Egg. 55p. Seems a bit steep, but anyhoo.

Yes, it is smaller than I remember. It also seems to be somewhat shoddily made (the two halves don't seem to quite match :mad:

But it is quite delicious! If GM foods mean we can have a chocolate chicken laying Creme Eggs, then yay for scientists playing god! ;)
AdamW said:
I was bored, so I wandered over to the petrol station and got a Creme Egg. 55p. Seems a bit steep, but anyhoo.

Yes, it is smaller than I remember. It also seems to be somewhat shoddily made (the two halves don't seem to quite match :mad:

But it is quite delicious! If GM foods mean we can have a chocolate chicken laying Creme Eggs, then yay for scientists playing god! ;)
I wonder just how much sugar content there is in each creme egg?
was wondering if there was as much sugar as in a can of coke? would be a handy convienient way for a diabetic of carrying an emergency source of sugar in case of a hypo.
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