creme egg

Despite being a fuge bat hastard, I don't eat chocolate. However, I dug this ingredients list out of my files.

"Milk chocolate: (Milk, Sugar, Cocoa butter, Cocoa mass, Vegetable fat, Emulsifier (E442), Flavourings). Fondant (45%): Sugar, Glucose Syrup, Invert sugar syrup, Glycerol, Flavouring, Colours (E171, Sunset Yellow))."

I had a bizarre conversation with Cadbury about the sugar content in which they seemed reluctant to tell me. Maybe they thought I was a journo. As they said - "you're in the food industry (I was) - you should know..."

Enough said that there are four ocurrences of sugars in the ingredients - sucrose (x2), glucose and invert sugar syrup (golden syrup to you).

Bearing in mind that sugar is the second largest ingredient in the chocolate constituent of the product, and three different sugars top the list of the fondant constituent (which is 45% of the product), the total overall sugar content is likely to be sky-high...

In actual fact, Cadbury don't list the sugar content as such, but the carb content. This is 71%.

My personal worry would be the fact that our old enemy Sunset Yellow is in there. Let's not be fooled by a nice name - this is E110, cause of much angst (and hyperactivity), especially with kids (let's face it, a huge proportion of creme egg consumers are kids!).

It is also linked to athsma and cancer, and with a chemical name and formula of

Disodium 2-hydroxy-1-(4-sulphonatophenylazo) naphthalene-6-sulphonate

C16 H10 N2 Na2 O7 S2

it's not surprising....

E171 is Titanium Dioxide (Ti 02) which gives the fondant a white colour. No side effects seem to be linked to E171.

Another bizarre fact - Cadburys Creme Eggs are not suitable for an egg-free diet (presumamby they mean hen's eggs......)
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kendor said:
kevplumb said:
who cares there an indulgence :LOL:
just the odd medical practioner here and there ;)

Glad you suggested the 'odd' one -- some have been hunting him down for days on end.
Old friend of mine living happily alone, Sore throat, shruges off having never really been sick in his life.
Awakens following morning hardly able to breath, takes an hour to shower !! Rings doctor, is passed between emergency call out numbers etc --- promised a quack -- none turn out .. Eventually rings 999 is taken to hospital -- checks are made by two nurses -- left in a chair on drip and oxygen, Doctor examines him 8 hrs after he was admitted -- He spends 9 days in a ward. Age nearly 60.
What's that about sugar in creme eggs? Eh? Wassat. LALALALALALALALALALA! LOOK AT ME! LALALALALALA!


Sorry, just finished running around the room in a hyperactive fit, that was fun!

Titanium Dioxide is hopefully safe, seeing as it is a major constituent of toothpaste! Hmmmm, although they do say you shouldn't swallow it...

Right, I'm off to eat a load of yellow smarties now, if anyone needs me I'll be climbing up the walls and swinging from the chandeliers ;)
What worries me adam is that those actions probably come before the eating of the chocolate :LOL:
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securespark said:
Despite being a fuge bat hastard, I don't eat chocolate. However, I dug this ingredients list out of my flies............

Yeww Wott ??? ;)
{Quiet Guffawing while holding ribcage....}

Yes, thanks for that, Pip!! Gives a "hole" new meaning to the expression "I love chocolate".....

It does say files, I assure you!
kendor said:
What worries me adam is that those actions probably come before the eating of the chocolate :LOL:

What chocolate? :LOL:
securespark said:
{Quiet Guffawing while holding ribcage....}

Yes, thanks for that, Pip!! Gives a "hole" new meaning to the expression "I love chocolate".....

It does say files, I assure you!

Fillipnig glasess !! ;)
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