Someone joked in a now closed topic about the current Ukraine situation saying "Maybe there'll be some 'just stop oil' protestors on the route"
Me Miss, me Miss, it was me.
Well I happen to know someone (in passing) who was on the M25 gantry protest and who was jailed for 6 months...
The media at the time reported the magistrate as saying it was meant to be a deterrent sentence...
The truth is that on being sent to prison, that person was stripped and all possessions spat and p*ssed on and destroyed and the whole term was spent in Belmarsh and Wandsworth...
The thug guards were abusive daily, both physically and verbally...
In addition the SS tried to put a child into care because apparently despite also having a loving partner their family was an 'extremist environment'...
And is now jobless...
All because someone stood up against the state and the corporates...
No longer protesting, and that means we do indeed live in a police state!
He got off lightly.