Thanks daytona..
IM not against the card in principle its just the content of the test.
We are not doing bad as far as health and safety is concerned..we are third in Europe (thank god they dont take their figures from Eurovision!) ..guess whos first..yeh the Germans!..
Greece are last..if you have ever seen a construction project in Greece youll know why!
Unfortunatly the HSE are too thin on the ground..they do prosecute, but normally its after the event..they, IMO dont do nowhere near enough to enforce health and safety legislation in the first instance.
And the legislation, in some areas is very 'grey' the word 'should' crops up far to often...and really needs to be replaced with the word 'must' ...'should' implies there is an option.
The other thing that amazes me, most accidents in the home are down to DIY projects..we have all seen the old boy standing at the top of a ladder thats either at 95 or 45 degrees..armed with a full can of masonry paint and a two inch brush..and the loyal mrs with one foot on the bottom of it!
They simply should not be allowed up it..ok its their life..but liken that to motorcyclists..its theirs too..but they have to wear crash helmets by law.
If I let an apprentice loose with a disc cutter and he chopped hes fingers off 'id get why shouldn't Joe Blow walk into B&Q on a sunday morning buy himself a disc cutter go home and do the same thing...not be punished also ????????????????
Things need tightening up.