Cycle lighting

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Next time you plough over a cyclist - on a wet night - having just a single flashing LED on his hat or clothing ... make sure you note the rear lighting ... Insurance company may be interested even if the Police do not appear to be.
LED Legal ? Link
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Now if I, as an occasional cyclist, knew the law about not relying soley on a flashing light, why doesn't anybody else? Or do they just choose to ignore it?

I find a great many cyclists do WTF they like and don't GAS about anyone else. Like going through red lights, smashing your door mirrors (either by accident or deliberately) and riding off, and generally just ignoring the HC like they are above it, etc...

Then they wonder why they get pancaked....

As a peddy last year, I witnessed a bobby stopping a cyclist for using a mobile on the go. When the subject of fineds and points came up, he smirked at the PC and told him he didn't have a car licence.

No problem, said the PC, they will be waiting for you when you do...
When I was a cyclist who did over 150 miles a week, I developed (in addition to killer abs ;) ) a sincere hatred for the "I'm above the HC" cyclists. On a couple of occasions, when stopping at a red light in the gap between the cars and the kerb, I would get abuse from a cyclist behind me who wanted me to jump the light!

However, there are a few motorists who will deliberately pull in towards the kerb when stuck in traffic and seeing a cyclist approach on the left. I was knocked off my bike by some stupid cow who sharply pulled in towards the kerb in traffic whilst I was alongside, and then wound the window down to ask "is my mirror alright?" I can't help but wonder if she wouldn't have done something so stupid if it wasn't for the to**ers she saw skipping lights and scraping alongside the side of her car on a regular basis. :mad:

Nice to hear Police issuing penalties to idiots.

We have a great cycle-track network round here, keeps the bikes a good 30 feet from the roads, makes it very safe for cyclists. They are very well surfaced too. But I occasionally encounter this moron who thinks he is traffic and insists on cycling on the road, in the middle of the lane, holding up the rest of us.
Cycling next to kerb with no bike lane is dodgy .. almost as dodgy as cycling on the outside ... both nearly as dodgy as riding centre lane .. D :D :D :D
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I knew about the Law on the flashing lights (LED or otherwise).

A Bit worrying that the link seems to imply that the use of LED lights in a constant on state is not legal.

Wonder what other regs they can pass to prevent us leading normal lives, how about Safety boots for walking (might tread on a stone!), or maybe a new CD issued to all! (Breathe in ..... Breathe out ..... Breathe in ..... Breathe out ..... Breathe in ..... Breathe out ..... Breathe in ..... Breathe out ..... Breathe in ..... Breathe out ..... Breathe in ..... Breathe out ..... )

I have the feeling that the lighting technology has outstripped the law .. The article says that riders wear the flashing lights on their clothing to become extraneous lighting ... They should still have the fixed, complying, steady light ... bit iffy about the steady Led rear which complies to BS standard .. But not apparently written into the wording of the law. ?

I remember years back, a friend had a Raleigh, 4 speed hub..
The neat part was the front 'hub dynamo' and I wonder if the long circular section 'battery pack' clamped to a downtube was chargeable? This was the early 60's so .. Anyone know if chargeables existed at that size back then ?
Bike like this .. pack on saddle downtube .. This particular bike has rear hub dynamo .. all Sturmey Archer I believe.

Thanks -LINK Nice little site .. more at the foot of page.
my view and certianly that of others i used to work with in the police was if theyve got a light it will do for me. don't care if it flashes on and off at least its safer than the vast majority of those that don't wear one.

On a lighter note we did stop a cyclist one night no lights, who went through two red lights. My mate wasn't happy stopped him and the cyclist began to get very stroppy. As my mate was struggling as what to do him for to give the best punishment, i smelt a little alcohol on his breath. We nicked him for cycling whilst unfit due to drink, and put him on the machine at the nick. We ccouldnt make him, but he volanterialy did when we asked him to, and he was three times over the limit.

Went to court and got a ban for two years on his car licence and a whopping fine.......oh the good old days!!
What glorious days I had in my youth biking around The Lakes, an all the roads hardly had traffic/cars ..lovely

anyway I see these youngsters nowadays all in pervy Pinks,Yellows plastic clothes ,an hurtling at cars expecting a way through ...
Darwin theory survival of the species ,springs to mind

I enjoyed many a slog up a mountain ,we would then enjoy the views an open the thermos flask an the buttie box .....(cheese an onion on milk roll )lol

unlike these fools that are cycle Nazis, that rally all over an then are all knackered....
securespark said:
I find a great many cyclists do WTF they like and don't GAS about anyone else. Like going through red lights, smashing your door mirrors (either by accident or deliberately) and riding off, and generally just ignoring the HC like they are above it, etc...

They could be reduced by making the cycling proficiency test a legal requirement before being allowed to cycle on the public highways.

Its about time they paid some sort of insurance too. They are a road user like anyone else, they can cause accidents as well as be the victims of them, they can cause damage to other vehicles as well as have theirs damaged, so why should they be allowed to use the roads without insurance. :evil:
It's about time the Law made cyclist have insurance like all road users.

I ride a Mountain Bike (to get fit) and have taken out a little Insurance, it is out there but Voluntary.

I get really hacked off when I see cyclists disregard common sense and the law in full view of the Police..who do nothing!!

I have always said that any cyclist crazy enough to pass a Red light with me coming the other way will soon be meeting St Peter..thankfully such encouter as I have had of this nature have been third party, or on one occasion the moron rode into the side of my Car...
I worked with a Kenyan guy who said when he was growing up they had to have bike insurance, and this insurance was visible in something similar to a taxdisc. Didn't cost much either. Sounds like a good idea to me, and the money raised could help pay for the upkeep of cyclelanes.

Household insurance can cover you for some incidents, my brother cycled into a very illegally-parked car and this insurance covered for the repairs. Despite the fact the car was parked on double yellows, on the exit slip of a 70mph dual carriageway, on a bend, obscured by a fence so it was only visible from about 10 feet. Bah. :mad: Anyway, household insurance covered bro for it.
nstreet said:
securespark said:
I find a great many cyclists do WTF they like and don't GAS about anyone else. Like going through red lights, smashing your door mirrors (either by accident or deliberately) and riding off, and generally just ignoring the HC like they are above it, etc...

They could be reduced by making the cycling proficiency test a legal requirement before being allowed to cycle on the public highways.

Its about time they paid some sort of insurance too. They are a road user like anyone else, they can cause accidents as well as be the victims of them, they can cause damage to other vehicles as well as have theirs damaged, so why should they be allowed to use the roads without insurance. :evil:
And what about the horses ? Or even pedestrians ? They all use the public highways ! They're you go Tone/ Gordy, another tax to hammer us with ;) ;) ;)

Horses ...ehh ?

you living in the 18th Century round your way ,lol
Moz said:

Horses ...ehh ?

you living in the 18th Century round your way ,lol

Nothing wrong with horses, we quite often have a couple parked in our local's car park. The odd tractor occasionally too. :D
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