Cycle lighting

Horses ...ehh ?

you living in the 18th Century round your way ,lol

Plenty of horses around here, and they can be a pain in the a**e when the road is too twisty/narrow to overtake and there is a queue of cars behind them at 7mph. And what about coming round a corner on a motorbike and finding a big pile of horses**t in the middle of the road.
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Eddie M said:
Moz said:

Horses ...ehh ?

you living in the 18th Century round your way ,lol

Nothing wrong with horses, we quite often have a couple parked in our local's car park. The odd tractor occasionally too. :D
Reminds me of a night out in a small village near to Cork when I was working there. Had to park on the road 'cos pub car park full of tractors ! Better still at 11.30 the Garda arrived, told us to see off our drinks and then proceeded to direct all the traffic off the car park so no-one had a bump !! Excellent days ;)
petewood said:
...............And what about coming round a corner on a motorbike and finding a big pile of horses**t in the middle of the road.

Not so bad if of the rocking horse variety ..... :D
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