JB. Stop calling it Road Tax! That was abolished in 1937!!
Listen, I don't drive a car at all. I don't cycle. I can hardly bloody walk.
So where's my flippin' rebate?
Well that's OK then. You don't pay road tax!
JB. Stop calling it Road Tax! That was abolished in 1937!!
Listen, I don't drive a car at all. I don't cycle. I can hardly bloody walk.
So where's my flippin' rebate?
I don't know why you find this concept so hard to understand.
Individual taxes have little to do with the services available, it's all just ways of collecting money
JB. Stop calling it Road Tax! That was abolished in 1937!!
Listen, I don't drive a car at all. I don't cycle. I can hardly bloody walk.
So where's my flippin' rebate?
Well that's OK then. You don't pay road tax!
Because the amout of tax coming in would be insignificant compared to the amount of political capital the opposition parties would gain with hysterical yells of "Party X put tax on Childrens Tricycles!!"Q: Why not tax cyclists as well? That would make even more money.
A: ?
I don't know why you find this concept so hard to understand.
Individual taxes have little to do with the services available, it's all just ways of collecting money
I find that concept perfectly easy to understand.
Q: Why tax motorists?
A: Because it makes more money for the exchequer.
Q: Why not tax cyclists as well? That would make even more money.
A: ?
JB. Stop calling it Road Tax! That was abolished in 1937!!
Listen, I don't drive a car at all. I don't cycle. I can hardly bloody walk.
So where's my flippin' rebate?
Well that's OK then. You don't pay road tax!
I pay taxes, like you!
How come you feel entitled to a rebate, yet you reckon I'm not entitled?
I don't know why you find this concept so hard to understand.
Individual taxes have little to do with the services available, it's all just ways of collecting money
I find that concept perfectly easy to understand.
Q: Why tax motorists?
A: Because it makes more money for the exchequer.
Q: Why not tax cyclists as well? That would make even more money.
A: ?
Parroting the same argument whilst ignoring responses doesnt make you win the argument, it just makes you look thick.
I've already answered that exact question in more than one way, sorry, I am not going to spoon feed you.
"A: Because I'm a cyclist and I don't see why I should pay road tax. Let the poor bloody motorists pay.
Arrogant cyclists always cry the poor tale, yet are often the cause of accidents on the roads.
Can you give me any plausible reason why *people* should not carry identification plates other than the fact that you'd have to pay for them?
Can you give me any plausible reason why *people* should not carry identification plates other than the fact that you'd have to pay for them?
You get me wrong, SS. I don't want a rebate. I just don't want to have to pay road tax!
how come I don't get a rebate?
Can you give me any plausible reason why *people* should not carry identification plates other than the fact that you'd have to pay for them?
Well, can you?
You get me wrong, SS. I don't want a rebate. I just don't want to have to pay road tax!
I must have misunderstood. This quote from a few pages ago led me to believe you did, that's all.
how come I don't get a rebate?
Can you give me any plausible reason why cyclists should not carry identification plates other than the fact that you'd have to pay for them?
(He won't. He can't!)
Can I assume, then, that this is a way of avoiding providing an answer to my question?
Listen, I don't drive a car at all. I don't cycle. I can hardly bloody walk.
So where's my flippin' rebate?
Can you give me any plausible reason why cyclists should not carry identification plates other than the fact that you'd have to pay for them?
(He won't. He can't!)
Of course I can't, for the same reason you can't provide any reasons why people should not have to carry identification, that phone calls should not be recorded, that private courts should not be allowed, on and on etc.