The front room was knocked into the hall, one wall o.k other wall 20deg fall off and ceiling well belled.
Well, I've surformed / sanded / filled / sanded / painted the ceiling, looks a treat . The fall off wall was built up with Quibble&Burgle universal plaster (white), again looks a treat .
Now the problem . The one good wall had a few dabs of filler where needed, then painted, the paints pulling off the previous three layers (bubbling / peeling so I'm gonna have to strip it.What's the best way to seal it as I take it paint isn't attached to the wall.
P.V.A/water or diluted paint or super glue (using Dulux realife and Crown suede effect).
BTW the plaster I'm hitting isn't smooth like a finish should be but it's not Browning either, more like a cement mix with sharp sand.
Quick response please before I finish me vodka and can't see straight
Well, I've surformed / sanded / filled / sanded / painted the ceiling, looks a treat . The fall off wall was built up with Quibble&Burgle universal plaster (white), again looks a treat .
Now the problem . The one good wall had a few dabs of filler where needed, then painted, the paints pulling off the previous three layers (bubbling / peeling so I'm gonna have to strip it.What's the best way to seal it as I take it paint isn't attached to the wall.
P.V.A/water or diluted paint or super glue (using Dulux realife and Crown suede effect).
BTW the plaster I'm hitting isn't smooth like a finish should be but it's not Browning either, more like a cement mix with sharp sand.
Quick response please before I finish me vodka and can't see straight