Daily Telegraph publishes more nonsense

The Torygraph seeks to alarm its elderly readership by claiming "Solar eclipse to disrupt power supplies"

"Power supplies could drop suddenly next month when the UK is plunged into darkness with an eclipse of the sun.

Energy experts warned there could be possible blackouts in the biggest solar eclipse since 1999.

Nearly 90 per cent of the sun's rays will be blocked out in parts of Europe on March 20."


However, the UK receives only a tiny proportion of its power from solar energy. Even in sunnier countries with more solar farms, the eclipse will have no more effect than an hours cloud.

However, she did go on to say :- "...It is unlikely to cause problems as so little electricity comes from solar power im the UK but other parts of Europe come be plunged into darkness...
And somewhat correctly quoted this lot https://www.entsoe.eu/news-events/a...rchive/Pages/News/20-March-Solar-Eclipse.aspx

I don't feel alarmed, due to reading or at least skimming (know wot I mean?) various press sectors.

Solar Eclipse 2015
- Impact Analysis - Report prepared by Regional Group Continental Europe and Synchronous Area Great Britain :-

Not that I think any one hereabouts would be interested in the slightest, but you know what ? It keeps the website slightly honest - not that it matters very much, ...In total there are 450 users online (28 Registered, 6 Hidden and 416 Guests) Most users ever online was 3235 on Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:57 am...
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