Damage above Artex

Whatever floats your boat, I just happen to have had good results with one strike.
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Wow I just been bought some and had to ask the fella at toolstation if the tub was empty.. crazy how light this stuff is!
Fill with toupret powder mixed thick and damp sponge around edges to blend in.
After 45 mins it will start to set.
Fresh mix and fill again and sponge around edges to blend in and wait until setting again in 45 to 60mins. Should now be flat.
Thinner mix now to pattern. Dab with 1 Inc brush to spike up. Also use finger to make single spikes especially around edge.
Leave to dry
Fill with toupret powder mixed thick and damp sponge around edges to blend in.
After 45 mins it will start to set.
Fresh mix and fill again and sponge around edges to blend in and wait until setting again in 45 to 60mins. Should now be flat.
Thinner mix now to pattern. Dab with 1 Inc brush to spike up. Also use finger to make single spikes especially around edge.
Leave to dry
thanks but already filled the hole using one strike. So easy to manipulate it as very light. So you would opt for toupret over something like Polyfilla to apply to last coat and create pattern?


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Whatever you have. Go with the polyfiller.

Just keep going with it by applying wet fresh filler over a set one. Blend edges with damp sponge.

I use to mix a small batch by roadside when I was 10 mins from job. Another on arrival then another 20 mins later and so on.
As first batch started to set I switch to next mix.
Just means you keep going and job is easy with fillers setting every 20 mins or so. If filler dries you need to seal it really and if you don't mix up ever 20 mins your waiting maybe an hour for each mix to set.

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