Peter, can I congratulate you for being the first person to talk such commonsense advice about damp. I believe that many modern building regs (mainly green issues) cause major harm to both buildings and health.
Thanks Maltaron,
And there I was thinking only I was the only soldier walking out of step !!.
It really IS all down to common sense-- as you know .
Lots of the people 'selling' the dpc 'cure' are nothing but 'chancers'.
Same as 18 year old boy soldier insulation experts who frequent the close I live in- armed with K47 black and deckers- (wanting to drill into certain peoples walls with a 9'' drill bit) -where the houses have timber frame construction- and have not the slightest clue that they will penetrate the membrane !!.
And all in the cause of GOVERNMENT GRANTS = EASY MONEY.