Dangerous streets

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It would be nice if they actually served their full sentences but somehow I feel they will be out much earlier. No deterrent for future criminals.
Scumbags. Let's just hope that some community-spirited prison officers make their lives hell for the next 20 years, and that a big guy called "Bubba" makes them his special friends in the showers.
Surely be easier to 'cure' the cancer now, rather than attempt to cut it out later ? ..... Or is it already too late ? ..... How many innocents have died in Iraq, whilst the scum live relatively luxuriously in our own backyards ?
Who is the real enemy ?
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There is no deterrent to the cr*p that roams our streets. 3 strikes and out works in the states. But the EUROPEAN court would deem it against the criminals human rights and good old LABOUR would let them dictate to us. Vigilantes will be back soon people..........mark my words :eek:
jasy said:
There is no deterrent to the cr*p that roams our streets. 3 strikes and out works in the states.

How can you say it works in the states when they have more gun-related crimes than most other countries in the world?
(Perhaps with the exception of Iraq, but where it is still americans committing most of the crimes.)
petewood said:
jasy said:
There is no deterrent to the cr*p that roams our streets. 3 strikes and out works in the states.

How can you say it works in the states when they have more gun-related crimes than most other countries in the world?
(Perhaps with the exception of Iraq, but where it is still americans committing most of the crimes.)

In relation to population i think you will find there is more VIOLENT crime in this country. Forget Iraq that is a war zone. There is more DRINK related violence over here as well. Good old labour, lets bring in 24 hour drinking, fantastic! Judges have there hands tied, the police are not allowed to police and the criminal has human rights. I wonder what we should do. We all know what we should do but the people running this country are more concerned with getting their expense sheets in!!
Americans have been shooting each other since Europeans first set foot on America hundreds of years ago.

They have stupid gun laws, the reason they have lots of gun crime is overexcited criminals.

If we introduced a 3-strikes system, I think it would work. Might even kerb the gun-crime problem before it gets to a level of other countries.

Remember, those involved with gun-crime in the UK are largely those who are influenced by US gangsta culture. Take the story above, the guy called himself "1G", and wrote rap lyrics when he got home. Wouldn't surprise me if he beats off over pictures of Snoop Dogg. :eek:

I like Chris Rock's idea: make bullets cost £10,000 each, that way if someone gets shot you KNOW they must have done something!
jasy said:
lets bring in 24 hour drinking, fantastic!

Now now Jasy, the whole point is we are meant to automatically start drinking in a continental style ;)

Hmmm, slight cultural incompatibility there, take a country full of people descended from celts, vikings, various germanic tribes (none of which renowned for sobriety or sitting quietly in the corner) and give them 24 hour drinking... why not give out free bullets in South Central LA?! :LOL:
You got me wrong. i meant fantastic sarcistcally my friend. The americans have not got a stupid gun culture they have got a right to defend oneself. OK there are those who really abuse it but for chrissake you cannot say our culture is because of them. We have our own VERY different culture ruled by those who SHOULD not be here.!!! And yes , or thos edo gooders on here i am not sorry. Those of not BRITISH origin involved in crime should be deported and their families...bust!
AdamW said:
jasy said:
lets bring in 24 hour drinking, fantastic!
........ we are meant to automatically start drinking in a continental style ;)
Jasy ! I bet that 'continental drinking' business will cut plenty of ice at the Mason's Arms and many other back street boozers across the Queendom!
;) ;)
I meant it that we should not bring it in. I live opposite one of the worst pubs in Bristol for as*holes and it is a nightmare!!
Jasy, I was responding to Petewood with my gun comments, just so happened that between me starting and finishing my post you posted yours! :D

24-hour drinking... well, I wouldn't make great use of it, occasionally I might sit in a bar until 4am on Saturday morning, but I am generally more of a "sit with mates talking" kind of drinker so I really wouldn't cause a problem by being thoroughly inebriated.

But, I suspect those who would make most use of 24-hour drinking would be exactly the same people who shouldn't be drinking, i.e. those who confuse the neural response of "I have drunk a pint" with "I feel the need to punch the first person I see".

So really it is something that would be perfectly fine provided you could ban certain people from drinking!

Perhaps we can combine all the issues from this thread? That is, bring in 24-hour drinking, but if you are some moron who can't take his drink without getting violent then you come under the jurisdiction of islamic law. Therefore you are not allowed to drink anymore for fear of an islamic punishment. :LOL:
jasy said:
I meant it that we should not bring it in. I live opposite one of the worst pubs in Bristol for as*holes and it is a nightmare!!

That surprises me, I have been to Bristol on many occasions and always found it a thoroughly lovely place to go drinking! My brother was living in a big old house right next door to a pub (literally next door, the pub appeared to be a converted house... and they were terraces :LOL: )

Hey, and combining issues in this thread even more, last time I was in Bristol I spent much of the evening snogging a muslim chick! [Jimmy Saville] Howsabout that then, boys and girls! [/Jimmy Saville]
Good god man are you mad ?? If the PC patrol spotted that, you'd be up for attempted asphyxiation at worse ... suppression of women's right to be heard at best !! :mad:
BTW Hope you were not flogging a dead camel in your attempts to cement cultural(?) links. ;) ;)

There be Bristol and Brissel ... A great haunt in my past was Ashton Court Country Club ... Redwood Lodge now I believe ... £46 single membership (take a female companion free) in '75 ..... Wall to wall crumpatious, crumpet oh ! and all the facilities one could dream of .. almost !
http://www.s-h-systems.co.uk/hotels/redwood-lodge-bristol.html Blimey, may have converted to Hotel now ....
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