"Global warming" or Greed

Good excuse to raise taxes and exploit the population end off. Oh and of course very good topic for people who need to be campaigning for a "good cause".

Years ago, we had religion to keep the campaigners campaigning and the rest of us in our place. It's been reinvented and rebranded. Ozone layer to global warming, now really hedging their bets by using the catch-all of 'climate change'.
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It should be remembered that "predictions" are produced by computers which predict according to the data inputted, which varies according to the wim or beliefs of the person inputting the data.

This is spot on. Programs are just that and can be devised to give whatever resuts you want.
Why do more people not question these so-called computer predictions?
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Had occasion to look up False Widow Spiders and found this from the Independant:

Where did they come from?

The false widow spider is thought to have first come to the UK over 100 years ago in crates of fruit from the Canary Islands.

Where could I see one?

The spider has been established in Devon for a long time but recently climate change has caused the population to spread across the south east.

The spider is likely to spread northwards in years to come, according to the Natural History Museum’s Insect Information Service (IIS).

This year there have been a wide range of reports in the regional and national press, relating tales of spider-related terror from South Wales, Nottingham, Kent, Essex, Shrewsbury, Hampshire and London.

Sightings north of Birmingham remain rare.

So that settles it, then, what with Kent now being the same as the Canary Islands.
Time is of the essence !
In the relatively warm Westcountry
Winter '61 - '62 Snow came Boxing day afternoon, minor roads filled to hedge height, snow went away around middle of March.

Summer 1968, large downpour, major floods south of Bristol - bridges washed away lives lost - in July !!

All variants inbetween. Non of which had happened before - So it was said.

The climate is always changing - it does that. Our effect on that locally as in UK? About as much as our influence on the rest of the world.

Apparently we began seriously collecting weather data mid to late 1800's , just about at the end of the coldest period for 10,000 years... So what then is normal ?

Managing drainage on the Somerset Levels is a massively complex problem.

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