it is under data sharing but there's contention on who actually gets to keep the fine iirc. Some say it's the collecting country, others say it's the country that issued the fine. Basically a lot of admin for a fine that doesn't cover costs and hassle so a lot of the time they don't bother.Speeding is, I bel;ieve an allowable reason for accessing the data, under the Data Information laws.
It's an offence, whereas the ULEZ, CG and Dart Charges are not offences. And therefore they are not justifiable reasons for Data Information sharing.
I know from experience that the UK and Germany don't always chase the fines. I had my UK car in germany for a couple years before finally buying a left hand drive one for the remaining few years I was there. Over the various years I was commuting back and forth occasionally, i believe I got 1 ticket on my UK car in Germany, and 2 on my German car in the UK. I only received one of the latter ones.
I left Germany 6 years ago right enough so maybe totally different now, but I don't imagine Brexit has helped the lines of communication much.
You didn't compare like for like.
If you had said UK drivers don't pay French tolls! Then that would have been a good comparison..
Talk about splitting hairs. Is the need to be right/to disagree/argue that important to be so pedantic?
Toll, fine, charge, etc all boil down to the same thing. Money people would rather keep if given the choice.