I was testing a newly bought 12V DC adaptor yesterday and found a nice steady 12.1V between its positive and negative terminals.
For no particular reason I then tested the voltage between one terminal and earth and got an odd fluctuating reading. I switched the meter to measure AC and found 115V AC between the two. It was the same with the other terminal.
That can't be right surely? I don't believe this to be safe so I'm not going to use the adaptor.
I've done the same test since with a couple of other adaptors I've got round the house and I found 5V and 20V AC respectively between their terminals and earth.
For no particular reason I then tested the voltage between one terminal and earth and got an odd fluctuating reading. I switched the meter to measure AC and found 115V AC between the two. It was the same with the other terminal.
That can't be right surely? I don't believe this to be safe so I'm not going to use the adaptor.
I've done the same test since with a couple of other adaptors I've got round the house and I found 5V and 20V AC respectively between their terminals and earth.